Published online by Cambridge University Press: 06 March 2019
After the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City, it was determined that some of the presumed perpetrators had lived in Germany where they had been studying technical subjects in particular. Public authorities supposed more potential assassins (so-called “sleepers”) were staying in Germany until they received an order to start their mission. In order to discover such persons, data screening was carried out in each federal state of Germany. In the course of it, all universities were obliged to hand over the data material concerning their enrolled students for data alignment by police authorities. Up until now, appeals of affected students against those measures have been successful in Hessen, Nordrhein-Westfalen and Berlin. Those events give reason for a critical reflection of the means of data screening by the police.
1 “Rasterfahndung”; a “rastrum” (lat.) is a rake, by which disordered things can be sorted or separated. Welp, Zur Legalisierung der Rasterfahndung, in Recht der Persönlichkeit 389 (Berlin 1996).Google Scholar
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19 Art. 44 bay. PAG; § 40 bad-württ. PolG; § 47 ASOG (Berlin); § 46 PolG (Brandenburg); § 36 i BremPolG; § 23 Hamb. GesDatVPol; § 26 SOG Hessen; § 44 SOG M-V; § 45 a NGefAG (LT-Dr. 14/2730); § 31 PolG NRW; § 25 d POG (Rheinland-Pfalz); § 37 Saarl. PolG; § 47 Sächsisches PolG; § 31 SOG (Sachsen-Anhalt); § 195 a LVwG (Schleswig-Holstein, draft: LT-Dr. 15/1267, p. 4); § 44 PAG (Thüringen).Google Scholar
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31 Wiesbaden, LG, 4 T 707 / 01 (6 Feb. 2002).Google Scholar
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34 Sokol, , supra note 5, at 188, 192.Google Scholar
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40 Thommes, , StV 1997, 657, 660 and 664; Welp, Festschrift Mangakis, Athens 1999, pp. 809, 814; BT-Dr. 12 / 8396, p. 3; BT-Dr. 13 / 6689, p. 5; BT-Dr. 13 / 7341, p. 5.Google Scholar
41 Dencker, Organisierte Kriminalität und Verfassungsstaat, in: Rechtsstaat in der Bewährung, Vol. 33, 41, 55 (Albrecht & Dencker et. al., Heidelberg 1998); Welp, StV 1994, 161, 163. In the same way Götz, JZ 1996, 969, 970; Lisken / Mokros, NVwZ 1991, 609.Google Scholar
42 Wiesbaden, LG, 4 T 707 / 01, 4 (6 Feb. 2002).Google Scholar
43 Wiesbaden, AG, 71 GS 531/01 (25 Nov. 2001).Google Scholar
44 Rundschau, Frankfurter, (No. 242) 18 Oct. 2001, at 6.Google Scholar
45 Cf. Lisken & Denninger, Handbuch des Polizeirechts, chapter E, annonation 51.Google Scholar
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48 Düsseldorf, AG, 151 Gs 4092 / 01 (2 Oct. 2001).Google Scholar
49 Düsseldorf, LG, 151 II 1/01 (29 Oct. 2001).Google Scholar
50 Düsseldorf, OLG, 3 Wx 351 / 01 (8 Feb. 2002).Google Scholar
51 Id.Google Scholar
52 Mainz, VG, 1 L 1106101.MZ (19 Feb. 2002).Google Scholar
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54 Wiesbaden, LG, 4 T 707/01, 3 (6 Feb. 2002); LG Berlin, 84 T 8 / 02 (15 Jan. 2002); OLG Frankfurt, 20 W 55/02 (21 Feb. 2002).Google Scholar
55 See also Welp, quoted in Unicum No. 11 (2001), at 18; Gössner, Frankfurter Rundschau, (No. 85) 12 Apr. 2002, at 7.Google Scholar
56 Wiesbaden, LG, 4 T 707/01, p. 3 (6 Feb. 2002).Google Scholar
57 Frankfurt, OLG, 20 W 479 / 01, (8 Jan. 2002); OLG Frankfurt, 20 W 55/02, 4 (21 Feb. 2002); BVerfG, 83, 24.Google Scholar
58 Tegtmeyer, PolG NRW, 8th edition, § 31, annotation 6.Google Scholar
59 Mainz, VG, 1 L1106101.MZ, 9 (19 Feb. 2002).Google Scholar
60 Frankfurt, OLG, 20 W 55/02, 7 (21 Feb. 2002).Google Scholar
61 Id.Google Scholar
62 Id.Google Scholar
63 Düsseldorf, OLG, 3 Wx 357/01, 3 (8 Feb. 200).Google Scholar
64 Rundschau, Frankfurter, (No. 35) 11 Feb. 2002, at 3; Gössner, Frankfurter Rundschau, (No. 85) 12 Apr. 2002, at 7.Google Scholar
65 Düsseldorf, OLG, 3 Wx 357/01, 7 (8 Feb. 2002).Google Scholar
66 Frankfurt, OLG, 20 W 55 / 02, 8 (21 Feb. 2002). “material doubts.”Google Scholar
67 Welp, , supra note 55; Jansen, Frankfurter Rundschau, (No. 40) 16 Feb. 2002, at 5.Google Scholar
68 Rundschau, Frankfurter, (No. 40) 16 Feb. 2002, at 5; Westfälische Nachrichten, (No. 31) 6 Feb. 2002, at RMS 1.Google Scholar
69 Rundschau, Frankfurter, (No. 35) 11 Feb. 2002, at 1.Google Scholar
70 Düsseldorf, OLG, 3 Wx 357 / 01 (8 Feb 2002).Google Scholar
71 Id.Google Scholar
72 Rundschau, Frankfurter, (No. 37) 13 Feb. 2002, at 3.Google Scholar
73 Lisken, & Denninger, , supra note 45, at chapter E, annotation 155; Tegtmeyer, PolG NRW, § 1, annotation 39.Google Scholar
74 BGH 30, 329; Tröndle & Fischer, StGB, 50th edition, § 129 a, annotation 3, in conjunction with § 129, annotation 2.Google Scholar
75 Draft: BT-Dr. 14 / 7025, 4 Oct. 2001; adopted by the Bundestag on 26 Apr. 2002.Google Scholar
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79 Rundschau, Frankfurter, (No. 35) 11 Feb. 2002, at 1.Google Scholar
80 Aust, Der Baader-Meinhof-Komplex 203 (Berlin 1989).Google Scholar
81 Id. at 203-4.Google Scholar