Published online by Cambridge University Press: 06 March 2019
1 Wertpapiererwerbs- und Übernahmegesetz of 20 September 2001, BGBl. 2001 I, 3822.Google Scholar
2 Since 2002 an equivalent provision can also be found in § 22 sec. 2 Wertpapierhandelsgesetz (WpHG).Google Scholar
3 For a more profound examination of the legally comparative context see: Casper ZIP 2003, 1469, 1470.Google Scholar
4 OLG Frankfurt, decision of 25 June 2004, Az. WpÜG 5, 6 and 8/03, ZIP 2004, 1309; also compare the previous summary proceedings in the same case: OLG Frankfurt ZIP 2003, 1977; AG 2004, 36.Google Scholar
5 Casper ZIP 2003, 1469, 1474; Pentz ZIP 2003, 1478, 1480; Liebscher ZIP 2002, 1005, 1008; Noack in Kapitalmarktrechtskommentar, § 30 Rn. 21 (Schwark ed., 2004).Google Scholar
6 In this sense already: Pentz ZIP 2003, 1478, 1481.Google Scholar