Published online by Cambridge University Press: 06 March 2019
The celebration of 180 years of legal education in Brazil, held in August 2007, was marked by strong criticism of the Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil (Brazilian Bar Association) and the higher education expansion policy which was undertaken in the late 1990s, establishing more than a thousand law schools in the country. The escolas de enganação (schools of illusion), created mainly during the last decade, would have increased the numbers in the professional college, which currently has around 600,000 lawyers, to approximately two and a half million, if it were not for the professional filter of the Bar Exam. In other words, the proliferation of mass legal courses in Brazil would have enabled the emergence of educational merchants, specializing in the sale of an illusion of social elevation and professional success, which, thanks to the control of entry into the professional corporation, did not happen.
1 See the speech of Brazilian Bar Association President, Cezar Britto at, last accessed 20 February 2009.Google Scholar
2 See, last accessed 20 February 2009.Google Scholar
3 Junqueira, Eliane Botelho, Faculdades de Direito ou fábricas de ilusões? (1999).Google Scholar
4 The list is available at, last accessed 19 February 2009.Google Scholar
5 Bastos, Aurelio Wander, Criação dos cursos jurídicos no Brasil (1977) and O ensino jurídico no Brasil (1998); Sergio Adorno, Os Aprendizes do Poder (1988).Google Scholar
6 Daniel Torres de Cerqueira, O ensino jurídico no Brasil: breve radiografia do setor, 4 Anuário ABEDi, 87, 95 (2006).Google Scholar
7 Data collected from Daniel Torres de Cerqueira, O ensino jurídico no Brasil: breve radiografía do setor, 4 Anuario ABEDi, 87 (2006) and Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira, Censo da Educação Superior 2007, available at, last accessed 18 February 2009.Google Scholar
8 Data collected from Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira, Censo da Educação Superior 2007, available at, last accessed 18 February 2009.Google Scholar
9 Between 2001 and 2003 the Ministry of Education authorized 222 new legal courses, of which only 18 had received the assent of the Brazilian Bar. See, last accessed 19 February 2009.Google Scholar
10 Federal Act n° 9,394/1996.Google Scholar
11 Joaquim Nabuco, Um Estadista no Império 45 (1997).Google Scholar
12 Dantas, San Tiago, Palavras de um Professor (1975).Google Scholar
13 Roberto A. R. de Aguiar, A Crise da Advocacia no Brasil: Diagnóstico e Perspectivas (1991).Google Scholar
14 Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil, Ensino Jurídico: Diagnóstico, Perspectivas e Propostas (1992).Google Scholar
15 Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil, Ensino Jurídico: Parâmetros para Elevação de Qualidade e Avaliação (1993).Google Scholar
16 Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil, Ensino Jurídico: Novas Diretrizes Curriculares (1996).Google Scholar
17 See Superior Tribunal de Justiça, MS n° 8,592-DF, Minister Franciulli Netto, available at, last accessed 28 February 2009.Google Scholar
18 See Resolution CNE/CES n° 02/2007, available at, last accessed 14 February 2009.Google Scholar
19 See Terry, Laurel S., The Bologna Process and its Implications for U.S. Legal Education, 57 Journal of Legal Education, 237 (2007), available at SSRN:, last accessed 10 February 2009. See also Andreas Bücker & William A. Woodruff, The Bologna Process and German Legal Education: Developing Professional Competence through Clinical Experiences, 9 German Law Journal, 575 (2008).Google Scholar
20 Machado, Rubens Approbato, Exigěncias Práticas no Exercício Profissional e Limitações da Formação Jurídica, in OAB Ensino Jurídico: Formação Jurídica e Inserção Profissional, 17, 25 (Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil ed., 2003).Google Scholar
21 See, last accessed 28 February 2009.Google Scholar
22 See, last accessed 24 February 2009.Google Scholar
23 This is the case for the Brazilian Law International College (, last accessed 27 February 2009) and the American World University (, last accessed 27 February 2009).Google Scholar
24 Susskind, Richard, The End of Lawyers? Rethinking the nature of legal services (2008).Google Scholar
25 Roberto Fragale Filho, The Use of ICT in the Brazilian Courts, paper to be presented to the 9th European Conference on e-Government, London, 29–30 June 2009.Google Scholar
26 See José Geraldo de Sousa Júnior, A Prática da Assessoria Jurídica na Faculdade de Direito da UnB, in A Prática Jurídica na UnB. Reconhecer para Emancipar, 21 (José Geraldo de Sousa Júnior, Alexandre Bernardino Costa and Mamede Said Maia Filho eds., 2007). See also José Geraldo de Sousa Júnior (ed.), Colaboradores Voluntarios do Núcleo de Prática Jurídica (2002).Google Scholar
27 The logic of collecting hours is also present at another curriculum requirement: the complementary activities. Every student is compelled to fulfill between 5% and 10% of the total amount of hours required for graduation by choosing to attend a seminar or participate in research, for instance, which are usually accepted as complementary activities.Google Scholar
28 Reintroduced by the Federal Act n° 8,906/1994 (available at, last accessed 22 February 2009), the Bar Exam became mandatory for every law student two years later (article 84).Google Scholar
29 Resistance to the final monograph came essentially from large schools that had a great difficulty in managing such a requirement for a large amount of students. It was extremely costly and time-consuming for a result that did not necessarily translate into evidence of quality.Google Scholar
30 For a theoretical application of PBL to the Brazilian legal curriculum, see Horacio Wanderlei Rodrigues, Pensando o Ensino do Direito no Século XXI: Diretrizes Curriculares, Projeto Pedagógico e Outras Questões Pertinentes 152 (2005).Google Scholar
31 See Maria da Glória Bonelli, Profissionalismo e Política no Mundo do Direito 56 (2002).Google Scholar
32 See Federal Act n° 8,906/1994 (article 44, I and II).Google Scholar
33 See Federal Act n° 8,906/1994 (article 54, XV). The Brazilian Bar opinion, although required by law, does not produce the same results as the American Bar Association (ABA) accreditation process which is not exempt of criticism. See Mathew D. Staver and Anita L. Staver, Lifting the Veil: an Exposé on the American Bar Association's Arbitrary and Capricious Accreditation Process, 49 The Wayne Law Review 1 (2003), available at:, last accessed 27 February 2009.Google Scholar
34 See Instrução Normativa (Normative Instruction) OAB n° 5/1995.Google Scholar
35 See Instrução Normativa (Normative Instruction) OAB n° 1/1997.Google Scholar
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37 Replaced in 2004 by the Exame Nacional de Desempenho de Estudantes (National Exam of Students’ Performance), the Exame Nacional de Cursos was a universally applied exam to graduates in order to evaluate the quality of Brazilian higher education. Its results were expressed through five grades from A to E and were quickly adopted by the press to establish some sort of school ranking. For more information, see, last accessed 17 February 2009.Google Scholar
38 See Édson Nunes, André Magalhães Nogueira & Leandro Molhano Ribeiro, Futuros Possíveis, Passados Indesejáveis: Selo da OAB, Provão e Avaliação do Ensino Superior 75 (2001).Google Scholar
39 Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil, OAB Recomenda: Um Retrato dos Cursos Jurídicos (2001).Google Scholar
40 Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil, OAB Recomenda 2003: Em Defesa do Ensino Jurídico (2003).Google Scholar
41 Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil, OAB Recomenda 2007: Por um Ensino Jurídico de Qualidade (2007), available at, last accessed 14 February 2009.Google Scholar
42 Minas Gerais is currently the only recalcitrant State. See, last accessed 17 February 2009.Google Scholar