Dr. C. G. S. Sandberg's article on the origin of the Dwyka Conglomerate calls for a wider publicity of the facts connected with the early establishment of the glacial origin of that deposit. The general history of the matter is given in the Geology of South Africa, by Drs. Hatch and Corstorphine, second ed., p. 14. The original determination was made by Dr. P. C. Sutherland in his Geology of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 1868, but a number of geologists discussed it subsequently, such as C. L. Griesbach, E. J. Dunn, A. G. Bain, R. N. Rubidge, A. Moulle, G. W. Stow, R. Pinchin, A. R. Sawyer, G. A. F. Molengraaff, A. Schenck, and A. Stapff. Among the diversity of opinions expressed it was difficult to arrive at any definite conclusion at that time. In September, 1895, Dr. R. Marloth submitted to a meeting of the South African Philosophical Society a number of boulders which he thought showed glacial striations, but the evidence was not considered satisfactory by Dr. Corstorphine or myself, the only two geologists in the country.