The next appearance of the older lead is at the “Rocky-ridge,” where the river, after running northerly for three-quarters of a mile, along the strike of the metamorphic beds, turns abruptly to the west. This ridge is a basalt-capped hill on the north side of the river, running in a north-west direction; it is about a mile long, with a bold rocky escarpment on its west side, facing the Sandy or Cudgebeyong Creek. Some tunnels have been driven in, and shafts sunk on this hill, and tolerably rich deposits of gold were found, but never followed out.Only in the southern half of the hill have diamonds been found(all more or less spotted).The drift is remark-able for the number and size of the agates it contains.The northern half of “the ridge” is underlaid by another outlier of the before-mentioned doubtful purple conglomerate, into which some tunnels have been driven in the western escarpment.The basalt is merely a fringe here, resting against the flank of the conglomerate, in which a small quantity of nuggetty gold was obtained;and form one to two inches thickness of lignite, or carbonaceous clay, is seen between it and the bottom of the basalt. Tte basali is intersected by numerous veins of a mineral allied to kaolin. The purple con-glomerate is similar in character to that near “the flat”and contains, on some of the joint faces, smll spherical crystalline aggreations of chalybite(carbonate of iron).At the extreme north ead of “the ridge”are great quantities of ironstone and conglomerate, but, from their Carbpniferous series, which is largely developed further north.The first diamonds which found their way to Melbourne were obtained.