The Northumbrian Fault-block, forming the central part of the Pennine Chain, is a region of gently tilted Carboniferous sediments, bounded on the north, west, and south by major faultlines. It is divided naturally into two structurally complementary areas, symmetrically disposed to the north and south of the syncline of Stainmore. The present paper is concerned exclusively with the northern area, named by F. M. Trotter and S. E. Hollingworth the “Alston Block” (1928) and by H. G. A. Hickling the “Cross Fell Block” (1930). The first-named authors, who have recently completed a revision of the Geological Survey sheet covering the north-west corner of the block, have discussed in detail the structure of that district and have described the broad outlines of the tectonic history of the block (1928, 1932).