Published online by Cambridge University Press: 01 May 2009
The Southern Uplands greywacke succession (Scotland) accumulated at the Laurentian margin of the Iapetus Ocean. It was sequentially incorporated into an imbricate, accretionary thrust complex until closure of the ocean. Thereafter the thrust belt propagated across the suture zone as a foreland thrust belt directed towards the hinterland of Avalonia. A foreland basin migrating ahead of the thrust belt was the depositional site for the southernmost Southern Uplands units and the Windermere Supergroup (English Lake District). A Nd-isotope study has shown that juvenile ophiolitic detritus was introduced into the oldest, mid-Ordovician, Southern Uplands greywackes before two distinct provenance areas evolved: one supplying juvenile andesitic detritus in addition to a quartzo-feldspathic component, the other Proterozoic and exclusively quartzo-feldspathic. Bimodal composition continued into the early Silurian but was overlapped from late in the Ordovician by greywackes with intermediate Nd-isotope composition. This was not a simple mixing effect since the andesitic component is not represented and the necessary juvenile component comes from granodioritic and felsitic lithologies. Intermediate eNd values are then a consistent feature through the Silurian both in the younger strata of the Southern Uplands and in the earliest foreland basin turbidites of the Windermere Supergroup. The transition suggests cessation of volcanicity and erosion of deeper levels of the provenance terrane(s), possibly linked to the evolution of the basin system from active margin, accretion-related, to a foreland setting. To the north of the Southern Uplands terrane, beyond the Southern Upland Fault, a Caradoc to Wenlock turbidite sequence occupies inliers within the Midland Valley. The older greywackes contain abundant juvenile ophiolite and plutonic detritus in addition to a quartzofeldspathic metamorphic component; there are similarities with the most northerly part of the Southern Uplands. From the late Ordovician, εNd values systematically decline so that early Llandovery Midland Valley greywackes are exclusively quartzo-feldspathic, derived from an ancient source indistinguishable in isotopic terms from that periodically supplying the Southern Uplands. In general the Llandovery Midland Valley provenance was significantly more mature than that contemporaneously supplying the Southern Uplands. Thereafter, the Midland Valley latest Llandovery and early Wenlock greywackes contain a higher proportion of a juvenile component, and by the early Wenlock, greywackes from the Midland Valley, Southern Uplands and Lake District terranes are similar in terms of εNd. A common provenance seems likely and suggests that by the mid-Silurian all three terrenes were in close proximity.