Published online by Cambridge University Press: 01 May 2009
Having the opportunity of revisiting Munich, I have drawn up a list of the fossils which formed the basis of the “Upper Cassian Zone,” erected by me in 1893. These fossils, when I discovered them in Falzarego Valley in 1891, were then for the most part unknown. The tuffs and breccias in which they occur had been referred by Loretz to the fossiliferous Raibl horizon of the Schlern Plateau, and by Mojsisovics to the much lower horizon of Wengen strata. I found, by careful collection from strata in position, that the fauna, in addition to a fair proportion of St. Cassian types and a few Raibl types, comprised a number of types common both to Cassian and Raibl horizons and a still greater number of species which had not been found elsewhere (Q.J.G.S., 1893, pp. 31, 44, 46, 47).
page 337 note 1 My zonal collections from the Enneberg and Ampezzo Upper Trias are in the Palæontological Museum in Munich.
page 337 note 2 Wöhrmann und Koken, von: “Die Faunen der Raibler Schichten von Schlernplateau”: Zeitschr. d. D. geol. Ges., 1892.Google Scholar
page 337 note 3 Ogilvie, : “On the Wengen and Cassian Strata in Southern Tyrol,” Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc, 1893CrossRefGoogle Scholar; “Coral in the Dolomites,” Geol. Mag., 1894.Google Scholar
page 337 note 4 Wöhrmann, von: “Die Fauna der sogenannten Cardita u. Raibler Schichten in den Nordtiroler u. baÿerischen Alpen”: Jahrb. der k.k. geol. Reichs., 1889.Google Scholar
page 338 note 1 Bittner, : “Die Brachiopoden der Alpinen Trias,” Abhandl. der k.k. geol. Reichsanstalt, Wien, 1890; “Die Lamellibranchiaten der Alpinen Trias,” Theil i, “Revision der Lamellibranchiaten von St. Cassian,” Wien, 1895. Kittl: “Die Gastropoden der Schichten von St. Cassian der Süd-Alpinen Trias,” Annalen des k.k. naturhist. Hofmuseums, Wien, 1891; “Die triadischen Gastropoden der Marmolata u. verwandt. Fundstetten in den weissen Riffkalken Südtirols,” Jahrb. k.k. geol. Reichs., 1894; “Die Gastropoden der Esinokalke nebst einer Revision der Gastropoden der Marmolatakalk,” Annalen des k.k. naturhist. Hofmuseums, Wien, 1899. Salomon u. Böhm: “Fauna der Marmolatakalk,” Palæontographica, 1895.Google Scholar
page 341 note 1 Wöhrmann, von, “Die Raibler Schichten,” m. Uebersichtstabelle: Jahrb. k.k. Reichs., 1893, p. 768.Google Scholar
page 341 note 2 See Kittl, “Die Gastropoden der Schichten von St. Cassian der Süd-Alpinen Trias”: loc. cit., pp. 157–8.Google Scholar
page 345 note 1 “Torsion - Structure of the Dolomites”: Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1899. Attention may be directed here to a printer's slip that unfortunately evaded me in the proofs, and which causes some confusion: see p. 580, under ‘5,’ near the bottom of the page: “A and C to be moved counterclockwise, B and D clockwise,” should read “A and C to be moved clockwise, B and D counterclockwise.”Google Scholar