Published online by Cambridge University Press: 01 May 2009
In the June Number (p 251), we gave Messrs. Pictet and Lory's most recent views on the disputed age of those beds which contain the Terebratula diphya or T. viator of Pictet. In order to complete thier views I now publish a letter recently received from M.Héberts, which he requests me to add to the present notes.
page 300 note 1 For a lengthened examination of the affinities and structure of this genus, see a Memoir read to the Geological Society, at its meeting on March 24th, and to be published in its Quarterly Journal on the 1st of August next.
page 305 note 1 Ueber die Parallelen zu d. Oberer Pläner Norddeutschlands und den Gleichalserigen Bildungen im Seine-Becken (Neues Jahrb. für Min. 1866, p. 309). Krit Studien über Kreide Brachiopoden (Palæontographica, xiii. 6). Ueber die Brachiopoden Norddeutscher Cénomanbildungen (Geogn. Pal. Beiträge, i. 3). Ueber die Galeriten Schichten der Nordd. Kreide (Sitzber. Akad. d. Wiss., Wien, lvii. 1).Google Scholar
page 308 note 1 Doctors sometimes most injudiciously send their exhausted patients to Nice, without considering whether they can stand the diurnal variations in temperature, discomforts, cost, and very indifferent food.
page 308 note 2 This museum was founded by A. J. B. Vérany, a distinguished naturalist. It contains, among other things, a good collection of recent shells, and a remarkable series of models of all the mushrooms found in the Department of the Maritime Alps. These have been made at a considerable cost by M. Brala, the present Director of the Museum. There exists also a good collection of Butterflies, presented by M. Haas, a zealous local Naturalist.