Published online by Cambridge University Press: 01 May 2009
In the course of investigations amongst the Microzoa from the Gault of Copt Point, Folkestone, some Forarainifera came under my notice, which are hyaline representatives of the usually arenaceous type Webbina. These forms are remarkably similar in external appearance to those of the arenaceous group, but microscopical examination of the test under a high power reveals the finely tubulated structure characteristic of the hyaline type.
1 GEOL. MAG. 12. II. Vol. IV. 1877, p. 102–105, pl. VI.Google Scholar
2 Trans. Linn. Soc. vol. xxvii. 1870 (1871), pl. xlii. figs. 38 a—o, pp. 244–248.Google Scholar