Published online by Cambridge University Press: 01 May 2009
The following description of Egyptian foraminiferal limestones is based on a series of specimens transmitted to me by Dr. H. Woodward, F.R.S., on behalf of Captain H. G. Lyons, F.G.S.The series comprises specimens from the Eocene and Mioceneof the eastern side of the Eed Sea Hills, collected by Mr. ThomasBarron, F.G.S.; and specimens from the Eocene of the east sideof the Nile, between Assiut and Qena, and from the Baharia andFarafra Oases, collected by Mr. H. J. L. Beadnell, F.G.S. A greatamount of interest attaches to these rocks, both as regards theirgeneral character and preservation, and also with respect to theirmicrozoic contents.
page 63 note 1 The fauna of this and the following specimens appears to be homotaxial in part ith the Lower Mokattam beds found farther to the north, and this view is shared by r. Beadnell, who has written to me on the subject in a letter dated 6th April, 1901.
page 64 note 1 In his paper on “Recent Geological Discoveries in the Nile Valley and Libyan Desert” (London, 1901), Mr. Beadnell refers in detail to the relations of the Cretaceous and Eocene at the above-named locality, and regards the nummulitic and Operculina limestones as Upper Libyan (p. 12 op. cit.).
page 66 note 1 Brady, G. S., 1880: Rep. Chall. Exp., Zool., pt. iii, p. 56, pl. viii, figs. 1a–f, 2a–f.Google Scholar
page 66 note 2 Rep. Chall. Exp., Zool., pt. iii, p. 58, pl. ix, figs. 3a–cGoogle Scholar.