Published online by Cambridge University Press: 14 April 2009
Inferences on the mechanism of chiasma maintenance can be drawn from study of the distribution and frequency of chiasma-like associations between bridges and fragments and between normal chromatids and fragments in meiotic material heterozygous for paracentric inversions. These bridges and fragments are the result of crossing over within the inverted region so that differing predictions for the associations are generated by the various models for chiasma maintenance mechanism. Results of such a study in material heterozygous for a large paracentric inversion in the long arm of chromosome 1 in maize are reported here. Findings are generally consistent with predictions of the ‘generalized sister chromatid cohesiveness model’, but are markedly at odds with the ‘binder only at specific crossover sites model’, and with the ‘late effective doubling of telomeres model’. Some of the results do not conform quantitatively to predictions of the ‘generalized sister chromatid cohesiveness model’ for a linear relationship between potential extent of sister chromatid cohesiveness and frequency of maintained association, suggesting additional complexity.