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Judicial Review and Merits Review: Are the Boundaries Being Eroded?
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 01 January 2025
Courts and tribunals have distinct roles within the Australian administrative law system at the federal level, and to a lesser extent, in the states and territories. Questions of law are for the courts, and questions of fact are for the executive and tribunals. From time to time this orthodoxy is questioned. Suggestions are made that the courts are increasingly tending to intrude into the province of tribunals. Using cases as illustrations, this article explores five relevant jurisdictional areas —from appeals on a question of law to deference under the Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977 (Cth) s 10(2)(b)(ii)—to test the accuracy of the suggestion.
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I acknowledge with gratitude, the comments on this article by Emeritus Professor John McMillan and the two reviewers.
1 A ‘“Tribunal” is not a word of precise meaning. However, relevantly in Australia, it has come to describe institutions fulfilling one or more of three functions: reviewing administrative decisions or the executive decisions of government; making original administrative decisions; and resolving disputes in areas including consumer trading, tenancy and similar matters’: Lord, Justice Carnwath, Murray, Chitra, Justice, Garry Downes and Peter, Spiller, ‘An Overview of the Tribunal Scenes in Australian, Canada, New Zealand and the United Kingdom’ in Robin, Creyke (ed), Tribunals in the Common Law World (Federation Press, 2008) 2Google Scholar.
2 For historical reasons limited exceptions have been acknowledged, examples being the power of Parliament to punish for contempt of breach of privilege (R v Richards; Ex parte Fitzpatrick and Browne (1955) 92 CLR 157) and for the military to punish for disciplinary offences (Re Tracey; Ex parte Ryan (1989) 166 CLR 518; Re Nolan; Ex parte Young (1991) 172 CLLR 460). The exceptions do not extend to merits review.
3 Commonwealth, Commonwealth Administrative Review Committee, Parliament of Australia, Report (1971) 29 [89] (‘Kerr Committee Report’).
4 SirAnthony, Mason, ‘The Pursuit of Excellence in Tribunal Decision-Making in Australia, the United Kingdom and Canada’ (2016) 29 Canadian Journal of Administrative Law and Practice 235, 236Google Scholar.
5 Attorney-General (NSW) v Quin (1990) 170 CLR 1, 35–6.
6 Ibid 36.
7 JusticeAndrew, Greenwood, ‘Judicial Review of the Exercise of Discretionary Public Power’ (2017) 88 Australian Institute of Administrative Law Forum 76, 90Google Scholar.
8 JusticeJohn, Basten, ‘Judicial Review in State Jurisdiction’ (2016) 84 Australian Institute of Administrative Law Forum 10Google Scholar: it has been pointed out that until this century, public law practitioners obtained their knowledge and experience in judicial review from federal, not state and territory court practice. This may explain the paucity of cases from state and territory courts and justifies the emphasis on cases from the federal courts.
9 ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 2008 (ACT); Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 2013 (NSW); Northern Territory Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 2014 (NT); Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 2009 (Qld); South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 2013 (SA); Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 1998 (Vic); State Administrative Tribunal Act 2004 (WA).
10 Clyne v East (No 1) (1967) 68 SR (NSW) 385; Building Construction Employees and Builders’ Labourers Federation of New South Wales v Minister for Industrial Relations (1986) 7 NSWLR 372. See Matthew, Groves, ‘Federal Constitutional Influences on State Judicial Review’ (2011) 39 Federal Law Review 399Google Scholar, 400.
11 (1996) 189 CLR 51 (‘Kable’).
12 (2010) 239 CLR 531, 573 [69] (French CJ, Gummow, Hayne, Crennan, Kiefel & Bell JJ) (‘Kirk’).
13 Constitution ss 73(ii), 77(iii).
14 Peter, Cane, ‘Merits Review and Judicial Review—The AAT as Trojan Horse’ (2000) 28 Federal Law Review 213, 217Google Scholar.
15 (2013) 249 CLR 332 (‘Li’).
16 See, eg, ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 2008 (ACT) s 86; Land and Environment Court Act 1979 (NSW) s 57; Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 2009 (Qld) s 147; Environment, Resources and Development Court Act 1993 (SA) s 30; Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 1998 (Vic) s 148; State Administrative Tribunal Act 2004 (WA) s 105(9)(b).
17 (1996) 70 ALJR 904 (noted in Repatriation Commission v Owens (1996) 187 CLR 704).
18 Ibid (Brennan CJ, Gaudron and Gummow JJ). See also Haritos v Federal Commissioner of Taxation (2015) 233 FCR 315, 363 [133], 383–4 [194] (‘Haritos’). Special leave to appeal that judgment was refused: Transcript of Proceedings, Commissioner of Taxation of the Commonwealth of Australia v Haritos [2015] HCATrans 337 (11 December 2015).
19 Harris v Director-General of Social Security (1985) 7 ALD 277, 284 (Gibbs CJ, Brennan, Deane, Dawson JJ).
20 (2015) 233 FCR 315, 363 [133]. See also Haritos (2015) 233 FCR 315, 383–4 [193].
21 Administrative Review Council, Appeals from the Administrative Appeals Tribunal to the Federal Court, Report No 41 (1997) 3 [1.10] (‘ARC Report No 41’).
22 Ibid vii.
23 Ibid.
24 Administrative Appeals Tribunal Amendment Act 2005 (Cth) sch 1 s 173.
25 ARC Report No 41, above n 21, vi.
26 Explanatory Memorandum, Administrative Appeals Tribunal Amendment Bill 2004 (Cth) 45–6; Martin v Comcare (2015) 238 FCR 373, 385–6 [53], not disagreed with by the High Court in Comcare v Martin (2016) 258 CLR 467.
27 Blain v Repatriation Commission [2017] FCA 114 (17 February 2017); Australian Postal Corporation v Johnston (2007) 215 FCR 440; McKenzie v Repatriation Commission (No 2) [2014] FCA 1007 (16 September 2014) (‘McKenzie’); Commonwealth v Horsfall (2010) 185 FCR 66; Secretary, Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs v Harris (2010) 218 FCR 274.
28 Comcare v Nicolas (2014) 225 FCR 369, 376 [48]; Westrupp v BIS Industries Ltd (2015) 238 FCR 354, 371 [96].
29 See above n 26.
30 See above n 27.
31 Westrupp v BIS Industries Ltd (2015) 238 FCR 354, 369 [76]. See also Repatriation Commission v Butcher (2007) 94 ALD 364, 369 [19]; Repatriation Commission v Brady [2007] FCA 1087 (31 July 2007) [33].
32 Comcare v Nicolas (2014) 225 FCR 369, 376 [48]–[49].
33 Blain v Repatriation Commission [2017] FCA 114 (17 February 2017) [13].
34 Australian Postal Corporation v Johnston (2007) 215 FCR 440, 448 [42].
35 McKenzie [2014] FCA 1007 (16 September 2014) [35].
36 Ibid; see also Hall v Repatriation Commission [2007] FCA 2109 (20 December 2007) [4].
37 [2014] FCA 1007 (16 September 2014) [35]–[36].
38 Austlii search under s 44(7): Austlii, <>.
39 Federal Commissioner of Taxation v White (No 2) (2010) 80 ATR 373, 377 [14]. See also Secretary, Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs v Mouratidis (2012) 200 FCR 464, 489–90 [116], 490–1 [120]; see also Westrupp v BIS Industries Ltd (2015) 238 FCR 354, 369 [76].
40 Fard v Secretary, Department of Immigration and Border Protection [2016] FCA 417 (26 April 2016) [59].
41 National Australia Bank v Georgoulas (2013) 217 FCR 382, 391 [42]. See also Haritos (2015) 233 FCR 315, 369 [148]; Secretary, Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs v Mouratidis (2012) 200 FCR 464, 489 [114].
42 Fard v Secretary, Department of Immigration and Border Protection [2016] FCA 417 (26 April 2016) [59]–[60]; Spaul v Comcare (2012) 57 AAR 352, 360 [23]; Hogno v Repatriation Commission (2010) 53 AAR 47, 61–2 [51]; Martin v Comcare (2015) 238 FCR 373, 385–6 [53].
43 Haritos (2015) 233 FCR 315, 356 [114]. See also Osland v Secretary, Department of Justice (2010) 241 CLR 320, 332 [19].
44 Osland v Secretary, Department of Justice (2010) 241 CLR 320, 332 [19]. Haritos (2015) 233 FCR 315, 363 [135].
45 Secretary, Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs v Mouratidis (2012) 200 FCR 464, 490 [116].
46 Comptroller-General of Customs v Vestas—Australian Wind Technology Pty Ltd (2015) 236 FCR 499, 517 [81]; Byrne v Repatriation Commission (2007) 97 ALD 359, 360–1 [4]–[6].
47 Hogno v Repatriation Commission (2010) 53 AAR 47, 61–2 [51].
48 May v Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission (2015) 233 FCR 397 [233] (‘May’).
49 Repatriation Commission v Cotton (2006) 93 ALD 118, 126 [35]; Toohey v Tax Agents’ Board of Victoria (No 2) (2008) 106 ALD 506; Martin v Comcare (2015) 238 FCR 373, 386 [54].
50 Tsiamis v Comcare (2013) 60 AAR 506, 513–4 [27].
51 Comcare v Martin (2016) 258 CLR 467, 479 [44]. See also Lim v Comcare [2017] FCAFC 64 (24 April 2017) [45].
52 Federal Commissioner of Taxation v White (No 2) (2010) 80 ATR 373, 377 [14]. See also Secretary, Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs v Mouratidis (2012) 200 FCR 464, 489–90 [115]–[116], 490–1 [120].
53 Hall v Repatriation Commission [2007] FCA 2109 (20 December 2007) [2]–[4].
54 Osland v Secretary, Department of Justice (2010) 241 CLR 320, 333 [20] (French CJ, Gummow and Bell JJ).
55 Australian Gas Light Company v Valuer-General (1940) 40 SR NSW 126, 136–7 (Jordan CJ); Hussain v Minister for Foreign Affairs (2008) 169 FCR 241, 254 [32]; Birdseye v Australian Securities and Investments Commission (2003) 38 AAR 55, 60 [18] (‘Birdseye’). The zone of discretion is less pronounced when review is sought at common law: Vetter v Lake Macquarie City Council (2001) 202 CLR 439, 450 [24] (Gleeson CJ, Gummow and Callinan JJ); Bhanot v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection (2014) 223 FCR 454, 463 [38]; Tarrant v Australian Securities and Investments Commission (2015) 317 ALR 328, 353 [100(c)]; Comcare v Etheridge (2006) 149 FCR 522, 527 [16] (‘Etheridge’); Christine Wodianicky-Heiler as Legal Personal Representative of Anthony Wodianicky-Heiler v Repatriation Commission [2007] FCA 834 (31 May 2007) [34]; May (2015) 233 FCR 397, 441 [193], 442 [196]–[199].
56 Birdseye (2003) 38 AAR 55, 60 [18]; Etheridge (2006) 149 FCR 522, 527 [16].
57 See, eg, Repatriation Commission v Hill [2002] FCAFC 192 (18 June 2002) [59] (Black CJ, Drummond and Kenny JJ); Etheridge (2006) 149 FCR 522, 529 [27].
58 May (2015) 233 FCR 397, 439 [178]–[181]; Etheridge (2006) 149 FCR 522, 524 [2]–[3].
59 Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1989 (ACT); Judicial Review Act 1991 (Qld); Judicial Review Act 2000 (Tas).
60 Tarrant v Australian Securities and Investments Commission (2015) 317 ALR 328, 353 [100(b)].
61 Collector of Customs v Agfa-Gevaert Ltd (1996) 186 CLR 389, 394; Collector of Customs v Pozzolanic Enterprises Pty Ltd (1993) 43 FCR 280, 286; Barghouthi v ING Custodians Pty Ltd [2003] FCA 1272 (7 November 2003) [25]–[27] (Allsop J); Grealy v Commissioner of Taxation (1989) 24 FCR 405, 407; Federal Commissioner of Taxation v Crown Insurance Services Ltd (2012) 207 FCR 247, 251 [20]–[21].
62 Haritos (2015) 233 FCR 315, 373 [164] citing Mark, Aronson and Anthony, Groves, Judicial Review of Administrative Action (Thomson Reuters, 5th ed, 2013) 203Google Scholar n 113.
63 Da Costa v The Queen (1968) 118 CLR 186, 194–5 (Windeyer J).
64 OV and OW v Members of The Board of The Wesley Mission Council (2010) 79 NSWLR 606, 610 [8] (Allsop P).
65 De Simone v Federal Commissioner of Taxation (2009) 77 ATR 936; Roy Morgan Research Pty Ltd v Federal Commissioner of Taxation (2010) 184 FCR 448.
66 See, eg, Christine Wodianicky-Heiler as Legal Personal Representative of Anthony Wodianicky-Heiler v Repatriation Commission [2007] FCA 834 (31 May 2007); May (2015) 233 FCR 397.
67 Etheridge (2006) 149 FCR 522; May (2015) 233 FCR 397.
68 Birdseye (2003) 38 AAR 55; Etheridge (2006) 149 FCR 522; ASIC v Saxby Bridge Financial Planning Pty Ltd (2003) 133 FCR 290; HBF Health Funds Inc v Minister for Health and Ageing (2006) 149 FCR 291; Hussain v Minister for Foreign Affairs (2008) 169 FCR 241. See also Federal Court Rules 2011 (Cth) r 33.12.
69 See, eg, Northern Territory Supreme Court Act 1961 (Cth) s 47(1)(b), as repealed by Northern Territory Supreme Court (Repeal) Act 1979 (Cth); Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 2009 (Qld) s 149(3)(b); See also Environment, Resources and Development Court Act 1993 (SA) s 30(2); State Administrative Tribunal Act 2004 (WA) s 105(13) (limited circumstances).
70 South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 2013 (SA) s 71(3a); Northern Territory Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 2014 (NT) s 45.
71 ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 2008 (ACT) s 86(1).
72 Haritos (2015) 233 FCR 315, 357–73 [116]–[162] contains a comprehensive examination of the cases on this issue in its history of decisions on s 44(1).
73 See, eg, Kostas v HIH Insurance Services Pty Ltd (2010) 241 CLR 390, 398 [24]–[25] (French CJ).
74 Haritos (2015) 233 FCR 315.
75 Ibid.
76 Ibid 342 [62(8)].
77 See, eg, Etheridge (2006) 149 FCR 522; Birdseye (2003) 38 AAR 55.
78 Haritos (2015) 233 FCR 315, 384 [194].
79 Ibid 383 [192]; TNT Skypak International (Aust) Pty Ltd v Federal Commissioner of Taxation (1988) 19 ATR 1067, 1070 (Gummow J); Smith v Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission [2016] FCA 1558 (22 December 2016) [21]–[22].
80 Haritos (2015) 233 FCR 315, 383 [192]; Federal Commissioner of Taxation v AP Energy Investments Pty Ltd (2016) 103 ATR 280, 299 [56].
81 Screen Australia v EME Productions No 1 Pty Ltd (2012) 200 FCR 282, 289 [24] (Keane CJ, Finn and Gilmour JJ).
82 Haritos (2015) 233 FCR 315, 383 [192]; Federal Commissioner of Taxation v AP Energy Investments Pty Ltd (2016) 103 ATR 280, 299 [57].
83 Haritos (2015) 233 FCR 315, 383 [192], quoting Waterford v Commonwealth (1987) 163 CLR 54, 77 (Brennan J); Federal Commissioner of Taxation v AP Energy Investments Pty Ltd (2016) 103 ATR 280, 299 [57].
84 Osland v Secretary, Department of Justice (2010) 241 CLR 320, 332 [19] (French CJ, Gummow and Bell JJ); Repatriation Commission v O’Brien (1985) 155 CLR 422, 430 (Gibbs CJ, Wilson and Dawson JJ).
85 Bell v Federal Commissioner of Taxation (2013) 90 ATR 7.
86 [2016] FCA 6 (12 January 2016) [34] (‘Bunavit’).
87 Haritos (2015) 233 FCR 315, 373 [163], 374–5 [166].
88 Collector of Customs v Pozzolanic Enterprises Pty Ltd (1993) 43 FCR 280, 287; Hope v Bathurst City Council (1980) 144 CLR 1, 8 (Mason J); Vetter v Lake Macquarie City Council (2001) 202 CLR 439, 451 [27] (Gleeson CJ, Gummow and Callinan JJ).
89 Da Costa v R (1968) 118 CLR 186, 194–5 (Windeyer J).
90 Federal Commissioner of Taxation v Crown Insurance Services Ltd (2012) 207 FCR 247, 251 [20].
91 See generally Duncan Kerr Chev LH, ‘What is a Question of Law Following Haritos v Federal Commissioner of Taxation?’ (Speech delivered at Hot Topics Seminar: Commonwealth Compensation, Sydney, 25 November 2016) 4 [12].
92 Meriton Apartments Pty Ltd v Industrial Court of New South Wales (2008) 171 FCR 380, 385 [8].
93 Etheridge (2006) 149 FCR 522, 530 [29]. See also Re TNT Skypak International (Aust) Pty Ltd v Federal Commissioner of Taxation (1988) 19 ATR 1067.
94 Kerrisk v DC Holdings WA Pty Ltd [2013] FCA 1217 (18 November 2013) [62].
95 Hope v Bathurst City Council (1980) 144 CLR 1, 7–8.
96 Federal Commissioner of Taxation v Whiting (1943) 68 CLR 199.
97 NSW Associated Blue-Metal Quarries Ltd v Federal Commissioner of Taxation (1956) 94 CLR 509, 511–2.
98 Chief Executive Officer of Customs v El Hajje (2005) 224 CLR 159, 170 [26].
99 Maurici v Chief Commissioner of State Revenue (2003) 212 CLR 111, 116 [8].
100 Christine Wodianicky-Heiler as Legal Personal Representative of Anthony Wodianicky-Heiler v Repatriation Commission [2007] FCA 834 (31 May 2007) [34].
101 Austlii, <[2015]FCAFC>.
102 Federal Commissioner of Taxation v Normandy Finance and Investments Asia Pty Ltd (2016) 104 ATR 491; Ward v Federal Commissioner of Taxation (2016) 247 FCR 372; Commissioner of Taxation v Desalination Technology (2015) 66 AAR 553.
103 Linwood v Repatriation Commission (2016) 148 ALD 542; Warren v Repatriation Commission (2015) 238 FCR 124.
104 Comcare v Power (2015) 238 FCR 187; Westrupp v BIS Industries Ltd (2015) 238 FCR 354; Howes v Comcare [2015] FCA 1078 (7 October 2015); May (2015) 233 FCR 397.
105 William v IS Industry Fund Pty Ltd [2016] FCA 524 (13 May 2016).
106 Ibid; AZAFX v Federal Circuit Court of Australia (2016) 244 FCR 401; Bunavit [2016] FCA 6 (12 January 2016); SZUWX v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection [2015] FCA 1389 (4 December 2015).
107 Berry v Commissioner of Taxation [2015] FCA 1244 (19 November 2015) [27]; Haritos (2015) 233 FCR 315, 341–2 [62]; Gaffey v Comcare (2015) 239 FCR 76, 87 [61].
108 Mark, Aronson, Bruce, Douglas Dyer, Matthew, Groves, Judicial Review of Administrative Action (Thomson Reuters, 4th ed, 2009) 241Google Scholar.
109 Robin, Creyke, John, McMillan, Mark, Smyth, Control of Government Action—Text, Cases & Commentary (LexisNexis Butterworths, 4th ed, 2015)Google Scholar [12.5.31].
110 Haritos (2015) 233 FCR 315, 341 [62(5)]; Smith v Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission [2016] FCA 1558 (22 December 2016) [22]; Rana v Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission (2011) 55 AAR 300, 303 [15]–[16]; Haque v Migration Agents Registration Authority (2016) 70 AAR 443, 447 [14] (‘Haque’).
111 Haritos (2015) 233 FCR 315, 341–2; see, eg, Haque (2016) 70 AAR 443, 447 [13]; Ascic v Secretary, Department of Social Services [2016] FCA 1122 (14 September 2016) [21]; Chen v Migration Agents Registration Authority (No 2) [2016] FCA 865 (2 August 2016) [23].
112 See, eg, Gaffey v Comcare (2015) 239 FCR 76, 87 [61]; Haritos (2015) 233 FCR 315, 341 [62(6)]; Rana v Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission (2011) 55 AAR 300, 303 [16].
113 Federal Commissioner of Taxation v AP Energy Investments Pty Ltd (2016) 103 ATR 280, 299 [57].
114 Osland v Secretary, Department of Justice (2010) 241 CLR 320, 332 [19] (French CJ, Gummow and Bell JJ).
115 (2013) 212 FCR 272, 295 [88].
116 SZKLO v Minister for Immigration and Citizenship [2008] FCA 735 (22 May 2008) [9].
117 Waterford v Commonwealth (1987) 163 CLR 54, 77–8.
118 Australian and International Pilots Association v Fair Work Australia (2012) 202 FCR 200, 233–4 [147] (Perram J); Marku v Republic of Albania (2013) 212 FCR 50, 71–3 [69]–[75].
119 Anvil Hill Project Watch Association Inc v Minister for the Environment and Water Resources (2007) 159 LGERA 8, 25 [59] (Stone J); Elizabeth, Fisher, ‘”Jurisdictional Facts” and “Hot” Facts: Legal Formalism, Legal Pluralism, and the Nature of Australian Administrative Law’ (2015) 38 Melbourne University Law Review 968Google Scholar, 978.
120 City of Enfield v Development Assessment Commission (2000) 199 CLR 135, 148 [28]. See also Australian Postal Corporation v D’Rozario (2014) 222 FCR 303, 331 [98], [101]; D’Amore v Independent Commission Against Corruption (2013) 303 ALR 242, 291 [241].
121 Timbarra Protection Coalition Inc v Ross Mining NL (1999) 46 NSWLR 55, 64.
122 City of Enfield v Development Assessment Commission (2000) 199 CLR 135, 148; Plaintiff M70/2011 v Minister for Immigration and Citizenship (2011) 244 CLR 144, 179–80, 180 [57], [59] (French CJ) (‘Plaintiff M70/2011’).
123 (2011) 198 FCR 81, 87 [16].
124 Anvil Hill Project Watch Association Inc v Minister for Environment and Water Resources (2008) 166 FCR 54, 60–1 [27] (‘Anvil Hill’).
125 Minister for Immigration and Citizenship v SZOCT (2010) 189 FCR 577, 598–9 [83]–[84] (Nicholas J); SZNKO v Minister for Immigration and Citizenship [2013] FCA 123 (25 February 2013) [113].
126 Plaintiff M70/2011 (2011) 244 CLR 144, 180 [59] (French CJ).
127 Mark Aronson, ‘The Resurgence of Jurisdictional Facts’ (2001) 12 Public Law Review 17, 34.
128 AZAFX v Federal Circuit Court of Australia (2016) 244 FCR 401, 418 [66].
129 Minister for Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs v Schwart [2003] FCAFC 229; Singh v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection (2016) 247 FCR 554; WAIJ v Minister for Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs [2004] FCAFC 74 (29 March 2004); Seddon v Medical Assessment Panel (No 2) (2012) WASC 1 (10 February 2012); ResMed Ltd v Australian Manufacturing Workers Union (AMWU) [2016] FCAFC 23 (1 March 2016); SHJB v Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs and Indigenous Affairs (2003) 134 FCR 43.
130 Rana v Repatriation Commission [2011] FCAFC 124 (21 September 2011) [26].
131 Patel v Minister for Immigration and Citizenship (No 4) (2012) 208 FCR 128, 138–40 [48].
132 Kastrinakis v Australian Community Pharmacy Authority (2013) 215 FCR 452, 459 [25].
133 Australian Postal Corporation v Forgie (2003) 130 FCR 279, 291 [56]. See also Buck v Comcare (1996) 66 FCR 359, 361, 365; Trajkovski v Telstra Corporation Ltd (1998) 81 FCR 459, 464 where the jurisdictional fact of a reasonable excuse was said to require the ascertainment of an ‘objective fact’, indicating the categorisation difficulties.
134 Minister for Immigration and Citizenship v SZLSP (2010) 187 FCR 362, 376 [41].
135 Commissioner of Patents v Sherman (2008) 172 FCR 394, 403.
136 Beyazkilinc v Manager, Baxter Immigration Reception and Processing Centre (2006) 155 FCR 465, 477 [44]–[45].
137 Australian Commercial Catering Pty Ltd v Fair Work Commission (2015) 235 FCR 441, 449 [41].
138 Australian and International Pilots Association v Fair Work Australia (2012) 202 FCR 200, 233 [147].
139 Ibid citing Australian Heritage Commission v Mount Isa Mines Ltd (1995) 60 FCR 456, 466–7 (Black CJ) which was unanimously adopted by the High Court in Australian Heritage Commission v Mount Isa Mines Ltd (1997) 187 CLR 297, 303.
140 Commissioner of Patents v Sherman (2008) 172 FCR 394, 403 [37].
141 Anvil Hill (2008) 166 FCR 54, 59 [19].
142 Ibid.
143 See, eg, Plaintiff M70/2011 (2011) 244 CLR 144, 196 [117] (Gummow, Hayne, Crennan and Bell JJ); Australian Commercial Catering Pty Ltd v Fair Work Commission (2015) 235 FCR 441, 450 [44].
144 Baker v Patrick Projects Pty Ltd (2014) 226 FCR 302, 309 [33]–[34].
145 Harbour Radio Pty Ltd v Australian Communications and Media Authority (2012) 202 FCR 525, 553 [99].
146 See, eg, Linfox Australia Pty Ltd v Fair Work Commission [2013] FCAFC 157 (13 December 2013) [91]. See also Re Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs; Ex parte Durairajasingham (2000) 168 ALR 407, 423 [67] (McHugh J); NABE v Minister for Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs (No 2) (2004) 144 FCR 1; SZKLO v Minister for Immigration and Citizenship [2008] FCA 735 (22 May 2008) [9]; SZMWA v Minister for Immigration & Citizenship [2009] FCA 563 (28 May 2009) [48]; cf CQG15 v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection (2016) 70 AAR 413, 424–6 [36]–[38], 426–32 [40]–[50] (McKerracher, Griffiths and Rangiah JJ); SZSHV v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection [2014] FCA 253 (21 March 2013) [31]; cf SZVAP v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection (2015) 233 FCR 451, 455–6 [14]–[15].
147 Minister for Immigration and Citizenship v SZJSS (2010) 243 CLR 164, 176–7 [34].
148 Re Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs; Ex parte Cohen (2001) 177 ALR 473, 481 [35] (McHugh J).
149 Harbour Radio Pty Ltd v Australian Communications and Media Authority (2012) 202 FCR 525, 349 [100].
150 Mark, Aronson, ‘The Resurgence of Jurisdictional Facts’ (2001) 12 Public Law Review 17, 39Google Scholar.
151 Timbarra Protection Coalition Inc v Ross Mining NL (1999) NSWLR 55.
152 Aronson, above n 148.
153 See, eg, Plaintiff M70/2011 (2011) 244 CLR 144; Southern Han Breakfast Point Pty Ltd (in Liquidation) v Lewence Construction Pty Ltd (2016) 340 ALR 193.
154 (1990) 170 CLR 1, 36 (Brennan J).
155 Leighton, McDonald, ‘Rethinking Unreasonableness Review’ (2014) 25 Public Law Review 117Google Scholar, 117.
156 A Boolean search in Austlii of the cases before the Full Court of the Federal Court under ‘irrational and illogical’ indicated some 48% arose prior to Li and 52% post Li: Austlii, <>.
157 (2013) 249 CLR 332.
158 Ibid 364 [68].
159 Ibid 365 [72].
160 Ibid 367 [76].
161 (2014) 231 FCR 437 (‘Singh’).
162 Ibid 445 [44].
163 Li (2013) 249 CLR 332, 350 [26], [28], 351 [29] (French CJ).
164 Ibid 370 [88] (Gageler J).
165 Ibid 341, 347 (French CJ); 355–62 (Hayne, Kiefel and Bell JJ).
166 Singh (2014) 231 FCR 437; Minister for Immigration and Border Protection v Stretton (2016) 237 FCR 1 (‘Stretton’).
167 Minister for Immigration and Citizenship v SZRKT (2013) 212 FCR 99, 121 [77]; Friar v Brown [2015] FCA 135 (27 February 2015) [63]–[72].
168 (2014) 231 FCR 437.
169 Stretton (2016) 237 FCR 1, 14–5 [43]–[51].
170 Ibid 3 [3].
171 Ibid 5 [8].
172 Fiorentino v Companies Auditors and Liquidators Disciplinary Board [2014] FCA 641 (19 June 2014).
173 [2016] FCA 1303 (3 November 2016) (‘MZARJ’).
174 Ibid [26], citing the High Court in Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs v Eshetu (1999) 197 CLR 611, 626 [40] (Gleeson CJ and McHugh J).
175 Ibid [27].
176 Ibid [28].
177 [2016] FCAFC 174 (9 December 2016) (Griffiths, Perry and Bromwich JJ).
178 Ibid [47]. The Full Court cited Minister for Immigration and Citizenship v SZRKT (2013) 212 FCR 99, 128 [148] (Robertson J); SZOOR v Minister for Immigration and Citizenship (2012) 202 FCR 1, 22 [84] (McKerracher J) (with whom Reeves J agreed); Minister for Immigration and Border Protection v SZUXN [2016] FCA 516 (13 May 2016) [52] (Wigney J); BKE v Office of Children's Guardian [2015] NSWSC 523 (11 May 2015) [113] (Beech-Jones J) and the cases referred to therein. See also Jones v Office of the Australian Information Commissioner [2014] FCA 285 (27 March 2014), 5 [22]; Minister for Immigration and Border Protection v MZYTS [2013] FCAFC 114 (16 October 2013), 448 [54], and earlier Marrickville Metro Shopping Centre Pty Ltd v Marrickville Council (2010) 1174 LGERA 67, 93–4; Minister for Immigration and Citizenship v SZRKT (2013) 212 FCR 99, 137 [148].
179 Li (2013) 249 CLR 332, 363 [66].
180 SirAnthony, Mason ‘The Pursuit of Excellence in Tribunal Decision-making’ (2016) 29 Canadian Journal of Administrative Law and Practice 235Google Scholar, 243.
181 The number of cases in a search conducted in June 2017 was 1058, predominantly from the Federal Circuit Court of Australia: Austlii, <[2013]>. The search indicated that over 160 cases in the Federal Circuit Court have cited Li in the period 2013–17 under ‘irrational and illogical’.
184 Six cases out of 75.
185 Explanatory Memorandum to the Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Bill 1977, Hansard, House of Representatives, 1396, 28 April 1977.
186 See, eg, Stack v Commissioner of Patents (1999) 55 ALD 654.
187 Enid, Campbell, ‘Judicial Review and Appeals as Alternative Remedies’ (1982) 9 Monash University Law Review 14, 14Google Scholar.
188 (2000) 199 CLR 135 (‘Enfield’).
189 Ibid 151 (Gleeson CJ, Gummow, Kirby and Hayne JJ).
190 Ibid 158. See also Campbell, above n 185, 54–6.
191 Referring to Chevron USA Inc v Natural Resources Defense Council Inc, 467 US 837 (1984).
192 Matthew, Groves, ‘Federal Constitutional Influences on State Judicial Review’ (2011) 39 Federal Law Review 399Google Scholar, 403.
193 (2000) 199 CLR 135, 152.
194 Campbell, above n 185, 16.
195 These figures are confined to cases before the Federal Courts and do not include those before the Federal Circuit Court of Australia of its predecessor, the Federal Magistrates Court.
196 FPInnovations Pty Ltd v Registrar of Trade Marks [2013] FCA 826 (16 August 2013); CSL Australia Pty Ltd v Minister for Infrastructure and Transport (2014) 141 ALD 1, 46–7 [234].
197 Bragg v Secretary, Department of Employment, Education and Training (1995) 38 ALD 251, 253, 34 (‘Bragg’).
198 Cremona v Administrative Appeals Tribunal [2015] FCAFC 72, [46].(3 September 2015).
199 See, eg, Kamha v Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (2007) 98 ALD 49; Bragg (1995) 59 FCR 3, 34; McGowan v Migration Agents Registration Authority (2003) 129 FCR 118, 133.
200 Lucas v Commissioner of Taxation [2015] FCA 598 (17 June 2015) [26].
201 These figures are based on an Austlii search of decisions of the Federal Court of Australia under the expression 's 10(2)(b)’: Austlii, <>.
202 Duncan v Hotop [2004] FCA 274, [10] (22 March 2004); Saitta Pty Ltd v Commonwealth of Australia (2000) 106 FCR 554, 575 [105]; Peek v Chief Executive Officer, Australian Government Solicitor (No 5) (2007) 96 ALD 37, [30].
203 ActewAGL Distribution v The Australian Energy Regulator [2011] FCA 639, [197] (8 June 2011); Kimberly-Clark Ltd v Commissioner of Patents (1988) 83 ALR 714, 718–9; Lucas v Commissioner of Taxation [2015] FCA 598 (17 June 2015) [26].
204 Kamha v Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (2007) 98 ALD 49, [7], [11].
205 Wyeth Australia Pty Ltd v Minister for Health & Aged Care [2000] FCA 330, [42]–[45] (24 March 2000); ActewAGL Distribution v The Australian Energy Regulator [2011] FCA 482, [186] (8 June 2011).
206 FPInnovations Pty Ltd v Registrar of Trade Marks [2013] FCA 826 (16 August 2013); Du Pont (Aust) Ltd v Comptroller-General of Customs (1993) 30 ALD 829, 832; Duncan v Hotop [2004] FCA 274 (22 March 2004); Lucas v Commissioner of Taxation [2015] FCA 598 (17 June 2015) [20].
207 Kamha v Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (2007) 98 ALD 49, [12].
208 Bragg (1995) 59 FCR 3, 34.
209 Ibid 1 [96]; Stack v Commissioner of Patents (1999) 55 ALD 654 [14].
210 CSL Australia Pty Ltd v Minister for Infrastructure and Transport (2014) 141 ALD 1, 82 [336]–[238]; Godwin v Repatriation Commission (2008) 102 ALD 286, [57]; Swan Portland Cement v The Comptroller-General of Customs [1989] FCA 488, [30] (16 February 1989) [30]; Kamha v Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (2007) 98 ALD 49, [9].
211 Walworth v Merit Protection Commissioner (2007) 94 ALD 771; Kamha v Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (2007) [2003] FCAFC 231 [9]; Du Pont (Aust) Ltd v Comptroller-General of Customs (1993) 30 ALD 829; Stack v Commissioner of Patents (1999) 161 ALR 531, 536 [12]–[13].
212 Dalian Steelforce Hi-Tech Co Ltd v Minister for Home Affairs [2012] FCA 1192 (31 October 2012) 185 [31], cf Wyeth Australia Pty Ltd v Minister for Health & Aged Care [2000] FCA 330 (24 March 2000); Colpitts v Australian Telecommunications Commission (1986) 9 FCR 52, 62; Bragg (1995) 59 FCR 3, 33.
213 SZUWX v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection [2015] FCA 1389 (4 December 2015) [5].
214 Robert, Lindsay, ‘Some Constitutional and Public Law Decisions during the time of Chief Justice French’ (2017) 88 Australian Institute of Administrative Law Forum 60Google Scholar, 61.
215 Mason, above n 4, 248 n 183.
216 SFGB v Minister for Immigration & Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs [2003] FCAFC 231 (24 October 2003) [20].
217 Michael, Taggart, ‘Australian Exceptionalism in Judicial Review’ (2008) 36 Federal Law Review 1Google Scholar.