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Shepherding at Mărginimea Sibiului (Romania); Past, Present and Future

Published online by Cambridge University Press:  12 August 2022

Radu Săgeată
Institute of Geography, Romanian Academy, 12, D. Racoviţă Street RO-023993, Romania Emails: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Mihaela Persu
Institute of Geography, Romanian Academy, 12, D. Racoviţă Street RO-023993, Romania Emails: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Bianca Mitrică
Institute of Geography, Romanian Academy, 12, D. Racoviţă Street RO-023993, Romania Emails: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Nicoleta Damian
Institute of Geography, Romanian Academy, 12, D. Racoviţă Street RO-023993, Romania Emails: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Irena Mocanu
Institute of Geography, Romanian Academy, 12, D. Racoviţă Street RO-023993, Romania Emails: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]


This article aims to highlight the impact on local development of traditional economic activities. The case study that the authors consider concerns an area in the Romanian Carpathians developed through transhumant grazing and forestry activities: Mărginimea Sibiului. As shepherding kept developing, forest-cutting intensified to make room for pastures and hayfields, thus stimulating activities connected with the processing of wood. As trade on the Danube was liberalized under the Peace Treaty of Adrianople and cultivated lands in the south of the country kept extending, transhumance steadily lost in importance, especially in the twentieth century, in the wake of the Second World War. This process was intensified by the collectivization practised in the socialist-type centralized economy period. Currently, transhumance at Mărginimea Sibiului is practised only in four villages: Poiana Sibiului, Tilişca, Jina and Răşinari. Sheep flocks and the herd of cattle are moved from the village to the mountain pastures, along age-old pastoral paths, strictly observed and known by the rural communities. Most pasture-lands lie far from the village hearths, in the highlands. The future development of Mărginimea Sibiului involves the revival of traditional economic activities, as well as the development of tourism as a representative economic branch for this region.

Review Essay
© The Author(s), 2022. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of Academia Europaea

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