Published online by Cambridge University Press: 04 December 2017
1 Andrew Abbott, 2001, Time Matters: On Theory and Method (Chicago, University of Chicago Press). Andrew Abbott, 2016, Processual Sociology (Chicago, Chicago University Press). Daniel A. Menchik, 2014. “Decisions About Knowledge in Medical Practice: The Effect of Temporal Features of a Task”, American Journal of Sociology, 120 (3): 701-749.
2 Nobert Elias, 1970[2012], What Is Sociology?, Vol. 5, edited by S. Mennell (Dublin, UCD Press).
3 Andrew Abbott made this point when referencing Phaedra Daipha’s work during a 2016 speech in Frankfurt entitled “Processual Social Theory.” Video from this speech can be found on
4 John Levi Martin, 2011. The Explanation of Social Action (New York, Oxford University Press).
5 Andrew Abbott, 2004, Methods of Discovery: Heuristics for the Social Sciences (New York, WW Norton & Company).
6 John Levi Martin, 2011. The Explanation of Social Action (New York, Oxford University Press).
7 Gary Alan Fine, 2007. Authors of the Storm: Meteorologists and the Culture of Prediction (Chicago, University of Chicago Press).
8 Jeens Beckert, 2016, Imagined Futures. Fictional Expectations and Capitalist Dynamics (Cambridge, Harvard University Press).