Published online by Cambridge University Press: 19 May 2006
We use the weak gravitational lensing effect to study the mass distribution of asample of 50 southern Abell clusters (0.05 < z < 0.3) having LX > 5 × 1044 erg s-1 observed with ESO-VLTunder uniform sky conditions and subarsecond (0.6'') image quality. Their dynamicalequibrium is assesed through comparison of the clusters mass estimates made by weak-lensing,velocity-dispersions and X-ray techniques. So far, for 24 clusters (Cyprianoet al. 2004),we find: a) the center of their mass and light distributions are coincident for77% of the sample; b) the elongations of the fitted mass profiles and of the lightof the cD galaxies generally match with each other; c) although mostof the clusters are found to be in dynamical equilibrium, those with TX ≥ 8 keV(or σv ≥ 1120 km s-1) are the discordant ones. The preliminary bright arc statistics for our whole sample (LZLS) suggests the presence of acut-off at z ~ 0.07 which is qualitatively consistent with predictions donein a ΛCDM cosmology (Meneghetti et al. 2003).