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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 11 June 2009
This document is a recap of an oral presentation made at Nice duringthe INSU Astrophysics Detector Workshop 2008. It aims at giving anoverview of the achievements and ongoing developments presently carriedout at CEA-LETI in the field of Infrared focal plane array. Althoughmost of the research actually performed at LETI is not driven by spaceoriented application, the excellence and the cutting edge of the outcomeis or can be applied to space-dedicated components. This paper focuson features and developments from which astrophysics observation wouldbenefit in the near future on the European market. This encompassed“traditionnal” developments such as format enlargement, low dark currenttechnology such as p/n structure but it also shade light on promisingand thrilling development such as avalanche photodiode array. It eventuallygives some hints of none MCT technologies processed at LETI.