Published online by Cambridge University Press: 05 January 2006
PILOT (Pathfinder for an International Large OpticalTelescope) isa proposed 2 m class optical/infrared telescope to be sited atDome C on the Antarctic plateau. Recent site testing results fromDome C have shown remarkable ground level seeing, a largeisoplanatic angle, and a long atmospheric coherence time. Thesefactors significantly improve the resolution and increase thecapabilities of adaptive optics systems. Additionally, the low skyemission at Dome C gives a significant increase in infraredsensitivity compared to typical mid-latitude sites. PILOT isenvisaged as a winterised version of a commercially available 2 mclass telescope, with a simple low cost dome (sufficient for thelow ground level wind speeds), and a tip-tilt and/or a deformablesecondary mirror. A number of science cameras covering the visibleto the sub-millimetre are being considered.