Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by
Morales, J.C.
Ribas, I.
Jordi, C.
Pavlovski, K.
Tkachenko, A.
Torres, G.
Fundamental properties of low-mass stars in eclipsing binary systems.
EAS Publications Series,
Vol. 64,
Issue. ,
Moussa, Mohamed
Anisotropic pressure in brown dwarf stars.
EPL (Europhysics Letters),
Vol. 117,
Issue. 4,
Swayne, M I
Maxted, P F L
Triaud, A H M J
Sousa, S G
Deline, A
Ehrenreich, D
Hoyer, S
Olofsson, G
Boisse, I
Duck, A
Gill, S
Martin, D
McCormac, J
Persson, C M
Santerne, A
Sebastian, D
Standing, M R
Acuña, L
Alibert, Y
Alonso, R
Anglada, G
Bárczy, T
Barrado Navascues, D
Barros, S C C
Baumjohann, W
Baycroft, T A
Beck, M
Beck, T
Benz, W
Billot, N
Bonfils, X
Borsato, L
Bourrier, V
Brandeker, A
Broeg, C
Carmona, A
Charnoz, S
Collier Cameron, A
Cortés-Zuleta, P
Csizmadia, Sz
Cubillos, P E
Davies, M B
Deleuil, M
Delfosse, X
Delrez, L
Demangeon, O D S
Demory, B -O
Dransfield, G
Erikson, A
Fortier, A
Forveille, T
Fossati, L
Fridlund, M
Gandolfi, D
Gillon, M
Güdel, M
Günther, M N
Hara, N
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Lam, K W F
Laskar, J
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The EBLM Project– XI. Mass, radius, and effective temperature measurements for 23 M-dwarf companions to solar-type stars observed with CHEOPS
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,
Vol. 528,
Issue. 4,