Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 June 2012
Observations of jet- like phenomena near the solar limb are reported for a long time, first in Hα (Secchi observations of spicules in the 1870 ies), and after, from eclipse high resolution coronal images taken in white-light (1920–1973) as spiky structures. EUV jets were reported in the 70 ies from rocket and space-borne CIV filtergrams and finally X-EUV jets were reported from SXT observations of Yohkoh and from EIT and CDS SoHO observations. There is now little doubt that they are of magnetic origin although no magnetic field measurements exist for these regions and thermo-dynamical models are still work out. New observations of both spicules and jets with the SOT/SXT of Hinode were subjected to an analysis showing the influence of the null point(s) of the magnetic field. The collective behavior of the H CaII SOT(Hinode) time sequences of processed with the Madmax operator images of limb spicules show the torsional effects which were partly suggested before from the interpretation of high resolution limb spectra taken on Russian coronagraphs and the VTT at SacPeak. 100 s and shorter period waves are recorded. We propose a reconnection process occurring at the top of an emerging twisted flux tube for explaining some peculiarities of the spicular eruptions and possibly, as a viable mechanism for explaining the SXR jet eruptions. The result of a numerical 3D modeling illustrates this erupting mechanism although the behavior of the magneto-plasma structure near a null point, as shown by coronal filtergrams, does not necessary imply reconnections, especially the case of jets making a long coronal ray we observed in white-light with Lasco C2.