Published online by Cambridge University Press: 01 August 2012
Let (Sk)k≥1 be the classical Bernoulli random walk on the integer line with jump parametersp ∈ (0,1) andq = 1 − p. The probability distribution of the sojourntime of the walk in the set of non-negative integers up to a fixed time is well-known, butits expression is not simple. By modifying slightly this sojourn time through a particularcounting process of the zeros of the walk as done by Chung & Feller [Proc.Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 35 (1949) 605–608], simpler representationsmay be obtained for its probability distribution. In the aforementioned article, only thesymmetric case (p = q = 1/2) isconsidered. This is the discrete counterpart to the famous Paul Lévy’s arcsine law forBrownian motion.
In the present paper, we write out a representation for this probabilitydistribution in the general case together with others related to the random walk subjectto a possible conditioning. The main tool is the use of generating functions.