Let G be an abstract finite group. For an action α of G on a shift of finite type (SFT) S we introduce the periodic data of α, a computable finite-ordered set of complex polynomials. We show that two actions of G on possibly different SFTs are conjugate on periodic points iff their periodic data coincide. For each subgroup H of G the points fixed by α|H (the restriction of α to H) form a subsystem of S, which is of finite type. Our result shows that the zeta functions of these subsystems determine the conjugacy class (on periodic points) of α up to finitely many possibilities.
The orbit space of a finite skew action on an SFT S, endowed with the homeomorphism induced by S, is shown to have a zeta function equal to the zeta function of an SFT which is a left-closing quotient of S. We show that this zeta function equals the zeta function of S iff the skew action is inert with respect to a certain power of S.
Finally we consider functions of the periodic data as for example gyration numbers.