Published online by Cambridge University Press: 15 May 2009
One of us (S. L. C.), with C. Weatherall and E. T. Waters, published in 1931 the results of some experiments on the adsorption of the active principle of tuberculin by the dust of anthracite coal and showed that the activity of a diluted tuberculin was greatly diminished after contact with pulverized anthracite. In view of this fact, we made the suggestion that some such adsorbent action of autotuberculin by the finely divided coal-dust retained in the lung tissues of silico-anthracotic coal-miners might, perhaps, explain the relative freedom of these latter from the progressive pulmonary tuberculosis so commonly noted as a sequel to silicosis in gold-miners and others exposed to silicious dust free from admixture with coal-dust. These experiments have since been repeated by us with similar results and we, therefore, planned to try out the adsorption effects of other dusts liable to be inhaled in the course of coal-mining in South Wales.