Published online by Cambridge University Press: 17 January 2013
The interest awakened by Gay-Lussac's great discovery of the simplicity in the relation of the volumes of gases has greatly increased in recent times, when chemists have discovered that, in a large number of instances at least, the formula of a body, as deduced physically from its vapour density, exactly coincides with that deducible from chemical considerations of its reactions, and from the nature of the products arising in consequence of them.
The processes at present used for determining the vapour densities of bodies, are those of Gay-Lussac and Dumas.
page 442 note * Regnault, Annales de Chim. et Phys. (1842), 3me séries, v. p. 80.
page 443 note * The researches of Regnault (Annales de Chim. et Phys., v.), showing that at diminished pressure gases have very nearly the same expansion-coefficient, whilst at increased pressure considerable divergency is observable, lends experimental support to the hypothesis we have adopted.
page 443 note † Regnault, Annales de Chim. et Phys., xv. p. 146. 3me séries (1845).
page 444 note * Regnault, Ann. de Ch. et Phys., 3me séries, p. 158.
page 454 note * Bineau, Ann. de Ch. et Phys., 3me série, xviii. p. 236.