Published online by Cambridge University Press: 29 January 2009
1 Hajnal, J., ‘European marriage patterns in perspective’, Glass, D. V. and Eversley, D. E. C. eds., Population in history: essays in historical demography (London, 1965) 101–43.Google Scholar
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22 Nunes, J. A., ‘Nupcialidade e familia em Portugal (séculos XVI–XX). Balanço critico e perspectivas’, Congrés Hispano Luso Italià, 484.Google Scholar
23 In Murcia, for example, they represented 89% of the total in 1850. Carrión, J. M. Martínez and Soriano, C. Fenollós, ‘Familia y nupcialidad en el sureste de la Península ibérica: la Nora (Murcia) 1850–1929’, Congrés Hispano Luso Italià, 561.Google Scholar
24 Benigno, F., Una casa, una terra. Ricerche su Paceco, paese nuovo nella Sicilia del sei e settecento (Catania, 1985) 166–78.Google Scholar
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39 Laslett, , ‘Family and household as a work group’, 526–35.Google Scholar For a critique of the Laslett typology based on material from the Balearic Islands, see Blanes, I. Moll, ‘La estructura familiar del campesinado de Mallorca 1824–1827’Google Scholar, Chacón, F. et al. eds., La familia en la España mediterránea 254–57.Google Scholar
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43 Rettaroli, R., ‘Età al matrimonio e celibato nell’ Italia del XIX secolo: un ‘analisi regionale’, Congrés Hispano Luso Italià, 642.Google Scholar
44 Ibid, 642–3.
45 Delille, G., Famille et propriété dans le Royaume de Naples (XV–XIX siècle) (Rome, 1985) 192.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
46 Barbagli, , ‘Sistemi di formazione’, 111–16.Google Scholar
47 The effects of age at marriage on fertility are obviously very complex, as Louis Henry remarked long ago; Henry, L., ‘Fécondité des mariages dans le quart sudouest de la France de 1720 à 1829’, Annales E.S.C. 27 (1972) 985.Google Scholar
48 See Bacci, M. Livi, A history of Italian fertility during the last two centuries (Princeton, 1977)Google Scholar; and more recently, Rettaroli, , ‘Età al matrimonio’, 642–3.Google Scholar
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50 Weir, D., ‘Rather never than late: celibacy and age at marriage in English cohort fertilìty 1541–1871’, Journal of Family History 9 (1984) 341–55.CrossRefGoogle ScholarPubMed
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51 a See Pitrè, G., Usi e costumi, credenze e pregiudizi del popolo sicilianoGoogle Scholar, in Biblioteca delle tradizioni popolari siciliane, Palermo, 1870–1913, 15 106–9. This is the most important Sicilian collection of folklore and popular traditions. Pitrè quotes many traditional popular sayings and provides a large bibliography on Italian customs.
52 Raffaele, , Dinamiche demografiche, 48–9.Google Scholar
53 Bacci, M. Livi, ‘On the frequence of remarriage in nineteenth-century Italy: methods and results’, Dupâquier, J. et al. eds., Marriage and remarriage in the populations of the past (London, 1981) 347–60.Google Scholar
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55 Raffaele, , Dinamiche demografiche, 50.Google Scholar
56 Barbagli, , ‘Sistemi di formazione della famiglia’, 28–30.Google Scholar
57 Pina, M. Della, ‘Gli insediamenti e la popolazione’, Guarini, E. Fasano ed., Prato, storia di una cilià, vol. II, (Prato, 1985) 43–121.Google Scholar
58 Barbagli, , ‘Sistemi di formazione della famiglia’, 40–4.Google Scholar
59 Day, J., ‘La condizione femminile nella Sardegna medievale, La famiglia e la vita quotidiana, 241–49.Google Scholar
60 Rowland, , ‘Sistemas matrimoniales’, 51Google Scholar, and ‘Matrimonio y familia en el Mediterráneo occidental’, 255.Google Scholar
61 M. Livi Bacci has, for example, pointed out that female nuptiality is more intense in southern regions of Portugal as compared to the north because the labourers without land ‘do not have problems of inheritance to solve’. Bacci, M. Livi, A century of Portuguese fertility (Princeton, 1971) 52–3.Google Scholar
62 Macfarlane, A., ‘Demographic structures and cultural regions in Europe’, Cambridge Anthropology 6 (1980) 1–17.Google Scholar
63 The very concept of ‘late marriage’ should be discussed. E. A. Wrigley, elaborating on Hajnal, has recently contrasted a West-European pattern of late marriage ‘more likely to be determined by economic circumstances’ to a pattern which is ‘biologically controlled’. The delay, he has argued, should be measured with reference to the age at menarche. This, however, leads to new complications because of the possibility of regional variability in the age at menarche. Wrigley, E. A., ‘The means to marry: population and economy in pre-industrial England’, The Quarterly Journal of Social Affairs 1 (1985) 275.Google ScholarPubMed For some data on variability in age at menarche, see Shorter, E., ‘L'âge des premières règies en France 1750–1950’, Annales E.S.C. 38 (1983) 1040–57.Google Scholar
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65 ‘C'est de la mort qu'il faut partir, car c'est autour d'elle que tout s'ordonne. Elle frappe et emporte les hommes avec plus ou moins de force suivant les régions et les classes sociales.… Mais c'est elle aussi qui donne le signal des manages, de la nouvelle vie’. Delille, G., Famille et propriété, 214.Google Scholar Also Ohlin, G., ‘Mortality, marriage and growth in pre-industrial populations’, Population Studies 149 (1960) 190–7.Google Scholar
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67 The view that a marriage pattern can be shaped more effectively by environmental constraints than by the formal properties of inheritance systems is supported by evidence recently analysed by P. Viazzo. See Viazzo, P. and Albera, D., ‘Population, resources and homeostatic regulation in the Alps. The role of nuptiality’, Itinera 5/6 (1986), 103–54.Google Scholar See also Viazzo, , ‘Illegitimacy and the European marriage pattern: comparative evidence from the Alpine area’, Bonfield, L., Smith, R. M., Wrightson, K. eds., The world we have gained (Oxford, 1986) 100–21Google Scholar; and Viazzo, and Albera, , ‘Nupcialidad, fecundidad y estructura familial: el caso de los Alpes occidentales’, in Boletín de la Asociación de Demografia Histórica 5:3 (1987) 5–36.Google Scholar
68 See particularly Delille, G., Agricoltura e demografia nel Regno di Napoli (Napoli, 1977).Google Scholar
69 On the role of grain and other mediterranean cultivations see the classic book of de la Blache, P. Vidal, Principles de geographie humaine (Paris, 1955) 81–95, 134–5.Google Scholar
70 Delille, , Agricultura e demografia, 5–12.Google Scholar
71 Historically there are many examples of a differential death-rate by sex in some age groups. Moreover, ‘there are a number of factors which it has been claimed, give women a stronger resistance to the majority of diseases. These include the possession of two X chromosomes, the presence of estrogen prior to menopause, a greater ability than men to adjust to changes in environmental temperature, and a higher index of cephalization (relative brain weight)’. Wall, R., ‘Inferring differential neglect of females from mortality data’, Annales de Démographie Historique (1981) 120.Google Scholar See also Lopez, A. D., Ruzicka, L. T. eds., Sex differentials in mortality (Canberra, 1983) 147–9.Google Scholar
72 In the Sicilian town of Pietraperzia, for example, in the course of the seventeenth century, the sex ratio at death for the age group 30–49 was 174.8 compared to a sex ratio at birth of 105.4 and a general sex ratio at death of 109.6. Raffaele, , Dinamiche demografiche, 57.Google Scholar For more conclusive results longitudinal evidence is desirable. See Prinking, G., ‘L'incidence de la surmortalité masculine sur le cycle de la vie familiale’, Cuisenier, J. ed., The family life cycle in European societies (Paris, 1977).Google Scholar
73 ‘In the south, high levels of permanent celibacy are associated with low age at marriage, especially for women, this suggesting an early deadline for the marriageable pool: either early marriage takes place or there are high probabilities of remaining unmarried’: Cachinero Sánchez and Soler Serratosa, ‘Nuptiality and celibacy’.
74 G. Delille tends to attribute the major role in explaining the death ratio unfavourable to men in the adult classes of Puglia's population to the immigration of labourers. Delille, , Famille et propriété, 170–97 and 387–407Google Scholar; Delille, , Agricultura e demografia, 59–65.Google Scholar Also, Da Molin, G., ‘Mobilità dei contadini pugliesi fra fine '600 e primo '800’, Storica, Societò-Italiano di Demografia, ed., La popolazione Italians nel Settecento (Bologna, 1980) 435–67.Google Scholar
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76 Bloch, M., French rural history: an essay on its basic characteristics (London, 1966).Google Scholar
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78 In the so-called ‘new serfdom’ areas the influence of the socio-productive structure on the forms of the household appears to be much more direct and effective, as shown by Czap's research on Russia and Kula's on Poland: Czap, P., ‘The perennial multiple family household, Mishino, Russia, 1782–1858’, Journal of Family History 7 (1982) 5–26CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Kula, W., ‘La seigneurie et la famille paysanne dans la Pologne du XVIIIe siècle’, Annales E.S.C. 27 (1972) 949–58.Google Scholar Also in general, Plakans, A., ‘Seigneurial authority and peasant family life’, Journal of Interdisciplinary History 6 (1976) 629–54.Google Scholar
79 Rowland, R., ‘Nupcialidade, familia, Mediterraneo’, Boletín de la Asociación de Demografia Histórica 5:2 (1987) 128–43.Google Scholar
80 Cf. Viazzo, and Albera, , ‘Population, resources and homeostatic regulation’, and especially Viazzo, Upland communities: environment, population and social structure in the Alps since the sixteenth century (Cambridge, 1989), 246–57.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
81 Benigno, , Una casa, una terra, 178–84.Google Scholar
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90 A similar situation is found in Lanheses, north-west Portugal, Brettell, C. B., ‘Nupcialidad en un pueblo de la provincia del Miño 1700–1970: una nota de investigatión’, Boletin de la Asociación de Demografia Histórica 2 (1984) 2–19.Google Scholar
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92 Nunes, , ‘Nupcialidade e familia’, 488.Google Scholar
93 Pina, M. Delia, ‘Famiglia mezzadrile e celibate: le campagne di Prato nei secoli XVII e XVIII’, Congrés Hispano Luso Italià, 670–1.Google Scholar
94 Da Molin, , ‘Strutture familiari’, 719–23.Google Scholar In 1754, in Mpntegrassano, a Calabrian village. 80% of the poor lived in nuclear households. On the other hand, 80% of those with more than 40 ducati of rent lived in complex households, while 12.5% lived in nuclear households. Moretti, P., ‘L'economia del matrimonio. L'aggregazione domestica in una comunità calabrese nei '700’, Miscellanea di studi storici del Dipartimento di Storia dell'Università della Calabria 3 (Cosenza, 1983) 1–39.Google Scholar
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96 As Agnes Fine and Jean Claude Sangsi point out, the labourers of south-west France ‘ne peuvent nourrir une famille trop nombreuse’: ‘Accès aux biens et mariage dans le sud-ouest de la France (XVIII–XIX siècles)’, in Congrés Hispano Luso Italià, 570.Google Scholar On the relation between producers and consumers see Levi, G., Centro e periferia di uno stato assoluto: tre saggi su Piemonte e Liguria in età moderna (Torino, 1985) 101–40.Google Scholar
97 The results of a recent research seem to substantiate this position. Briggs, J. W., ‘Fertility and cultural change among families in Italy and America’, American Historical Review 91 (1986) 1129–45.CrossRefGoogle ScholarPubMed
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100 Rochefort, R., Le travail en Sidle. Étude de géographie sociale (Paris, 1961) 80–3.Google Scholar The presence of servants, generally speaking, seems to fit with this scheme: only the richest families can employ servants.
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102 Bresc, , ‘La famille’, 193–4.Google Scholar
103 Raffaele, , Dinamiche demografiche, 109.Google Scholar
104 Of course even solidarity had its limits. In his study on the city of Lorca, in Murcia, Hurtado Martinez has shown that between a census in 1761 and one in 1771 the proportion of extended households grew from 4.2 to 5.2%. During those ten years, however, a period characterised by sharp economic crises, the number of the coresidential relatives decreased among the daily labourers while the number increased among the group of the labradores (farmers). Martínez, Hurtado, ‘An´lisis del hogar’, 523.Google Scholar
105 Da Molin, , ‘Strutture familiari’, 718Google Scholar; Agmard, M., ‘Un bourg de Sicile entre XVIe et XVIIe siècle; Gangi, Braadel, F. et al. eds., Conjoncture économique, structures sociales. Hommage à Ernest Labrousse (Paris, 1974) 356–680.Google Scholar
106 Burguière, A., ‘Pour une typologie’, 640.Google Scholar
107 Delille, G., ‘Le strutture familiari nella società meridionale’, Di Bella, S. ed., Economia e storia (Sicilia-Calabria XV–XIV sec.) (Cosenza, 1976) 370.Google Scholar
108 ‘Le système des quartiers lignagers n'est done pas present partout… si nous quittons la Vallée de l'Irno et les collines situées en arrière de Salerne pour la plaine du Sele, si nous quittons les régions de culture arbustive et d'artisanat rural pour les régions d'élevage et d'agriculture extensive, si nous quittons les zones oü la petite propriété paysanne est fortement enracinée pour les zones de latifondo’ we do not find lineage quarters anymore: Delille, , Famille et propriété, 107.Google Scholar For the Longobard influence see Marongiu, A., La famiglia nell 'Italia meridionale, secc. VIII–XIII (Milano, 1944).Google Scholar
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110 See the interesting case-study of a village of Latium: Ago, R., Un feudo esemplare (Fasano, 1988).Google Scholar
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112 This theme should not, in any case, be separated from a more general discussion of social mobility. See for example Giarrizzo, G., ‘Del ratto consensuale in Sicilia: una proposta di ricerca’, Archivio Storico per la Sicilia Orientale 69 (1973) 527–32.Google Scholar