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Bondage, Tenure and Progress: Reflections on the Economics of Forced Labor
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 03 June 2009

- Type
- Slavery and Bondage
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- Copyright
- Copyright © Society for the Comparative Study of Society and History 1965
1 Harbrecht, P. P., Pension funds and economic power (New York, 1959),Google Scholar especially Chapter 10, and idem, Toward the paraproprietal society (New York, 1960).Google Scholar
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3 Some of the largest estates used mainly rent; see for instance Indova, E. I., Krepostnoe khoziàĭstvo v nachale xix veka. Po materialam votchinnogo arkhiva Vorontsovykh (Moscow, 1955). Reference is made to the "Free Economic Society", p. 5, to other 19th century writers, pp. 5 sqq. The study is based on the archives of the Vorontsov family and portrays a very large system of estates, with tens of thousands of serfs and hundreds of thousands of det'iatiny. The modes of operation are described pp. 47 sqq., the rental system p. 178 sqq.Google Scholar
4 See, for instance, Krepostnaia manufaktura v Rossii (= Akad. Nauk SSSR, Trudy istoriko-arkheologicheskogo instituta, T. 13) (Moscow in the early thirties, Chast 5, 1934).
5 Rashin, A. G., Naselenie Rossii za 100 let (1811–1913 gg.) (Moscow, 1956), p. 98.Google Scholar
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8 The exception was Franche-Comté, which had become part of the French kingdom at a late date; and even there, the vestiges of feudal mainmorte were far from amounting to genuine bondage. Cf. Millot, J., Le régime féodal en Franche-Comté au XVIIIe siécle (Besançon, 1937).Google Scholar
9 Cf. Vaccari, P., L'affrancazione dei servi della gleba nell'Emilia e nella Toscana (Bologna, 1925).Google Scholar
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