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Reinhold Glei: Die Batrachomyomachie. Synoptische Edition und Kommentar. (Studien zur klassischen Philologie, 12.) Pp. 220. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1984. Paper, 49 Sw. frs.
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 16 February 2009

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1 Prolegomena in Homerum (1795), 254 (= 155 of the 1872 ed.).
2 It would have been helpful if he had printed ‘a = PY QT’ on each left-hand and ‘I = (S)FLJ’ on each right-hand page as a reminder of the families' make-up.
3 To those mentioned above I must add at least the assumption that a's μυ⋯ν at 144 is the paradosis and I's π⋯ντων a conjecture, with serious consideration awarded to the bad eighteenth-century emendation ⋯μ⋯〈μ〉ων.
4 232 Πρασσεῖος: ‘Die korrekte Form wäre Πρασσεῖος’; 297 χειρ⋯νοντες ‘handvor-streckende’.
5 I cannot understand why snail-shell helmets at 165 provoke the invitation ‘Vgl. auch Theokr. 14, 17 (κοχλ⋯ας)’, or ἕχρισε at 238 ‘Vgl. χριστ⋯ς, der Gesalbte’.