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Further Notes On The Language of the Prose Inscriptions Of hellenistic Athens1
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 11 February 2009
emended in with the note ‘hanc formam doricam defendere studet G. Fraenkel Glotta ii. 33’.Fraenkel argues that this form is the product of a conscious effort to avoidconfusion and not ‘ein bloss
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- Copyright © The Classical Association 1969
2 Cf. Meisterhans, , Grammatik der attischen Inschriften 3, p. 115.Google Scholar
1 This is one Despite the Aeolic appearance of his name, he appears from his demotic to be Athenian. Cf. the name
5889 (s.i).
2 Evidence presented in this article per taining to the periods before 323 B.C. and after 146 B.c. is offered merely as a rough point of comparison for the evidence of the Hellenistic period. It was culled from a rapid examination of the relevant epigraphical material, and is in no way to be considered as precise.
1 Op. cit., p. 148, § 60. 3.
2 Ibid., p. 157, §62. I.
3 Ibid., p. 169, § 64. 3.
4 Cf. ibid., pp. 192-3, 77. 9.
5 For the tripartite (state, sub-unit, private) classification of the evidence see C.Q. N.S. xvii (1967), 257 n. 2. (Hereinafter, except where the classification of an example is made clear by a sub-heading, ‘state’ inscriptions have no sign added to their numbering to denote them; ‘sub-unit’ inscriptions are denoted by ‘U’ written between the line number and date; ‘private’ inscriptions by ‘P’ in the same position.)
1 Op. cit., pp. 188-9, § 76. 3.
1 Cf. Meisterhans, , op. cit., pp. 240–7.Google Scholar
1 By ‘non-formulaic’ I mean examples which occur only once.
1 In the examples quoted the following instance of it in the period under examinaabbreviations have been employed: ‘Ath’ tion. It must be stressed, however, that this Athenians;‘NAth’ =non-Athenians;‘Iso’ . An asterisk placed after a formula indicates that I have found only one instance of it the period under examination. It must be stressed, however, that this does not imply that instances do not exist outside that period.
1 Handbuch der griechischm Epigraphik, ii. 856
2 Now IG ii2. 7861, q.v.
3 Op. cit., p. 857.