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The Relationship between Science and Religion in Britain, 1830–1870
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 28 July 2009
It is almost a truism that when Charles Darwin's Origin of Species first appeared, in 1859, many people found its evolutionism to be unacceptable for religious reasons. They thought the theory of natural selection working by random variations conflicted with long-held and cherished beliefs about God and His relationship with man and the world. But although the general fact of the religious opposition to Darwinism is well-known, precise questions about the nature of the opposition—if indeed there was total opposition—have yet to be answered fully The present article seeks to go some way towards the asking and answering of such questions, although the discussion will keep to relatively sophisticated thinkers who took both science and religion seriously, and who were therefore concerned to achieve some harmony between the two. It will not deal with those who cared only for either science or religion.
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- Copyright © American Society of Church History 1975
1. The best analysis is in Ellegârd, A., Darwin and the General Reader (Göteborg: Göteborgs Universitets Arsskrift, 1958).Google Scholar See also Hull, D. L., Darwin and His Critics (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1973)Google Scholar; Gruber, H. E. and Barrett, P. H., Darwin on Man (New York: Dutton, 1974).Google Scholar
2. Gillespie, C. C., Genesis and Geology (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1951)Google Scholar; Millhauser, M., “The Scriptural Geologists. An Episode in the History of Opinion,” Osiris 11 (1954): 65–86CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Rudwick, M. J. S., The Meaning of Fossils (London: Macdonald, 1972).Google Scholar
3. Cannon, W. F., “Scientists and Broad Churchmen: an Early Victorian Intellectual Network,” Journal of British Studies 4 (1964): 65–88,CrossRefGoogle ScholarPubMed gives very full details of these men, their work and their relationships. See also Whately, E. W., Personal and Family Glimpses of Remarkable People (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1889).Google Scholar
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6. 3 vols., London: Murray, 1830–1833.
7. Vindiciae Geologicae (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1820)Google Scholar; Reliquiae Diluvianae (London: Murray, 1823).Google Scholar
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9. Oxford: Parker, 1833.
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43. Ibid., p. 325. Whewell and Buckland, it will be remembered, had contributed to the Bridgewater Treatises.
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46. Essays on Inductive Philosophy (London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1855), pp. 315–481.Google Scholar Although this essay (titled “On the Philosophy of Creation”) did not appear until 1855, Baden Powell did respond favorably to Chambers' ideas in the 1840s. The exact date of Baden Powell's initial support for Chambersian ideas does not really matter— it happened before the Origin.
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48. Sedgwick, A., “Vestiges …,” Edinburgh Review 82 (1845): 1–85Google Scholar; Discourse, 5th ed., (1850); Whewell, W., Indications of the Creator (London: Parker, 1845, 2d ed., 1846).Google Scholar
49. Sedgwick, , “Vestiges,” p. 3.Google Scholar
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53. Whewell, , Indications (2d ed.), pp. 12–16.Google Scholar The same kind of argument was always invoked when the question of man arose. Although it was religion which made men desperately keen not to have to include man's origin in the natural course of events, scientific or pseudo-scientific reasons were advanced for the impossibility of such a natural origin. Man has a moral sense, reasoning power, and so on, all things which supposedly preclude origination through blind law.
54. Ibid., p. 13.
55. Ibid.
56. Owen, R., On the Archetype and Homologies of the Vertebrate Skeleton (London: Taybr, 1848)CrossRefGoogle Scholar; On the Nature of Limbs (London: Royal Institution, 1849).Google Scholar See also Rudwick, , Fossils. pp. 207–214Google Scholar; and Macleod, R. M., “Evolutionism and Richard Owen, 1830- 1868,” Isis 56 (1965): 259–280.CrossRefGoogle Scholar Whewell and Sedgwick actually consulted Owen before responding to Vestiges. See Owen, R., Life of Richard Owen, 2 vols. (London: Murray, 1894), 1:252–255.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
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58. Owen, , Limbs, p. 86.Google Scholar
59. Whewell papers, Trinity College, Add Ms. a. 21069 dated Feb. 14, 1844. This letter is pretty harsh on Vestines, in contrast to the friendly letter Owen wrote to Chambers, in Owen, , Life, 1:249–252.Google Scholar
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61. [Whewell, W.], Plurality (London: Parker, 1853, 3rd ed. 1854).Google Scholar Everyone knew that Whewell was the author.
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63. Wilson, L., ed., Sir Charles Lyell's Scientific Journals on the Species Question (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1970), for example, pp. 99, 156.Google Scholar Darwin also read the Plurality and knew Whewell to be the author. (Information front an unpublished readinglist, Darwin Collection, University Library, Cambridge.)
64. Whewell, , Treatise, p. 208.Google Scholar Few of the critics of Plurality missed the opportunity of suggesting that the anon ens author might consult this work with profit.
65. Todhunter, , Whewell, 2:292, 294.Google Scholar
66. Whewell, , Plurality, 3d ed., pp. 283–288.Google Scholar
67. Ibid. p. 44.
68. Ibid., pp. 342–343.
69. Ibid., pp. 376–377.
70. Powell, , Essays, p. 239.Google Scholar
71. Ibid., p. 231.
72. London: Murray, 1854.
73. The Origin of Species (London: Murray, 1859).Google Scholar
74. Darwin, , Origin, p. 488.Google Scholar This reference to man was deliberate. Darwin thought it dishonest entirely to conceal his views. See Darwin, F., ed., Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, 2 vols. (London: Murray, 1887), 1:94Google Scholar; 2:263–264.
75. Darwin, , Origin, p. 453.Google Scholar
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77. Three Essays on Religion (New York: Holt, 1874), p. 174.Google Scholar
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89. Ibid., p. 382.
90. Lyell, , Principles, 10th ed. (1868), pp. 491–492.Google Scholar
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