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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 17 February 2009
1. Cf. my article on some of these materials in The China Quarterly, No. 41 (January–March 1970).Google Scholar In addition to the items cited there, a number of special archival articles dealing with the 1923–27 period have subsequently appeared in festschrifts dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Comintern. And in his excellent bibliographical chapter “Problemy kitaiskoi revolyutsii v sovetskoi literature 1917–1927 gg.” (“Problems of the Chinese Revolution in Soviet Literature, 1917–1927”), in Sovremennaya istoriographiya stran zarubezhnovo vostoka (Contemporary Historiography of Countries of the Non-Soviet East) (Moscow: Izdatel'stvo “Nauka,” 1969)Google Scholar, V. N. Nikiforov mentions three more memoirs of Soviet advisors as being in preparation: those of A. V. Blagodatov, A. Y. Kalyagin and N. I. Konchits. The Konchits work is an expansion of an earlier chapter in Sovetskie dobrovol'tsy o pervoi grazhdanskoi revolotsionnoi voine v Kitae (Soviet Volunteers on the First Civil Revolutionary War in China) (Moscow, Izdatel'stvo vostochnoi literatury, 1961) and was published in 1969. The other two are scheduled to appear in 1970. Also scheduled to appear in 1970 are: V. I. Blyukher v Kitae. 1924–1927 gg. (V. K. Blyukher in China, 1924–1927), documental selections and materials; Vidnye sovetskie kommunisty—uchastniki kitaiskoi revolyutsii (Well-known Soviet Communists—Participants in the Chinese Revolution); Tainye obshchestva v starom Kitae (Secret Societies in Old China), with a section on the importance of those societies in 1924–27.Google Scholar
2 Bakulin, A. V., Zapiski ob ukhan'skoe periode kitaiskoi revolyutsii (Notes on the Wuhan Period of the Chinese Revolution) (Moscow: Gosudarstvennoe izdatel'stvo, 1930).Google Scholar