Published online by Cambridge University Press: 04 April 2019
This research report traces the history of route books (genglubu) from their chance discovery in 1974. It assesses the credibility of these practical nautical guide books as historical sources employed by official agencies in mainland China to claim permanent Chinese occupation of islands in the South China Sea. The route books of Hainan fishermen have a rather short history, having been laid down in writing only in the early 20th century. As contemporary practical nautical guides, they complement the established order of pre-modern Chinese texts used in official publications to describe the South China Sea as historical Chinese territory.
该文章以追溯更路簿的历史为主题。自从1974 年偶然发现的,中国大陆当局使用了更路簿为声称中国永久占领南海的岛屿。此外中华人民共和国使用“更路簿”作为历史资料来证明涉嫌对南海的历史权利。然而海南渔岛民的更路簿历史比较短暂,仅在二十世纪初以书面形式出版。本文评估这些实用航海指南书的可信度。