2. See, for example, Report of the Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis for the Year 1982, where he states “the continued involvement of so many young people in crimes gives immense cause for concern …”, Home Office, Criminal Statistics, England and Wales 1983, Cmnd. 9349; NACRO Report on Juvenile Crime May 1985 which shows that the number of offences committed by young people is falling and the number of known juvenile offenders has levelled off over the past few years and in 1983 the number was 10% down on 1974; Home Office Statistical Bulletin 7th May 1985: The Sentencing of Young Offenders under the Criminal Justice Act 1982: July 1983-June 1984; White Paper, Young Offenders (1980) Cmbd. 8045, HMSO; Home Office, News Release, Young Offenders' Sentencing, 11 April, 1984: Home Office, Criminal Justice – A Working Paper, May 1984.
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