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Canadian Cases in Public International Law in 2005–6 / Jurisprudence canadienne en matière de droit international public en 2005–6
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 09 March 2016

- Type
- Cases / Jurisprudence
- Information
- Canadian Yearbook of International Law/Annuaire canadien de droit international , Volume 44 , 2007 , pp. 675 - 693
- Copyright
- Copyright © The Canadian Council on International Law / Conseil Canadien de Droit International, representing the Board of Editors, Canadian Yearbook of International Law / Comité de Rédaction, Annuaire Canadien de Droit International 2007
1 Code civil du Québec, L.Q., 1991, c. 64 tel que modifié.
2 GreCon au para. 39. La traduction anglaise de cette phrase est quelque peu trompeuse: “This principle may be related to the presumption that the legislature is deemed not to intend.”
3 Convention de New York pour la reconnaissance et l’exécution des sentences arbitrales étrangères, [1986] R.T. Can. no. 43.
4 GreCon au paras. 45-46.
5 GreCon au para. 41.
6 GreCon au para. 39 [je souligne].
7 GreCon au para. 40.
8 GreCon au para. 45.
10 Voir l’art. g(1)(a) de la Convention de Vienne sur le droit des traités de 1969, [1980] R.T. Can. no 37, qui donne comme définition de traité “un accord international conclu par écrit entre États et régi par le droit international.” Les états ne sont pas les seules parties possibles aux traités. D’autres entités reconnues comme ayant la personnalité juridique internationale, telles certaines organisa-tions internationales, peuvent aussi conclure des traités. Voir Aust, A., Modern Treaty Law and Practice (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000) aux pp. 54–56.Google Scholar
11 UN Doc. A/40/17 (1985), Ann. I.
12 GreCon au para. 41 .
14 GreCon au para. 23.
15 Canadian Foundation for Children, Youth and the Law c. Canada (Procureur général), [2004] 1 R.C.S. 76.
16 See Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, 1951, [1969] Can. T.S. no. 6, art. 1F(a).
17 Immigration Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. I-2, as amended.
18 Prosecutor v. Miroslov Kvocka et al. ( 2001), IT-98-30.
19 Criminal Code, R.S.C. 1985, c. C-46, as amended.
20 Zazai at para. 21.
21 Zazai at para. 26.
22 Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, S.C. 2001 , c. 27 [ IRPA].
23 Convention on the Rights of the Child, (1988), 86 N.R. 302 (FCA) [CRC].
24 Convention on the Rights of the Child, [1992] Can. T.S. no. 3.
25 Munar at para. 26.
26 Munar at para. 28.
27 Munar at para. 34.
28 Munar at para. 35.
29 Munar at para. 37.
30 Munar at para. 40.
31 Munar at paras. 42-43.
32 National Corn Growers Association v. Canada (Canadian Import Tribunal), [1990] 2 S.C.R. 1324.
33 Baker v. Canada, [ 1999] 2 S.C.R. 817.
34 While L’Heureux-Dubé J. did not describe her invocation of international law in Baker as an application of the presumption, she subsequently did so in R. v. Sharpe, [2001] 1 S.C.R. 45 at para. 175, and Spraytech v. Hudson, [2001] 2 S.C.R. 241 at para. 30.
35 De Guzman at para. 62.
36 National Corn Growers Association v. Canada (Canadian Import Tribunal), [1990] 2 S.C.R. 1324.
37 Reference re Public Service Employee Relations Act (Alberta), [1987] 1 S.C.R. 313.
38 Slaight Communications Inc. v. Davidson, [1989] 1 S.C.R. 1038.
39 114957 Canada Ltée (Spraytech, Société d’arrosage) v. Hudson (Town), [2001] 2 S.C.R. 241.
40 De Guzman at paras. 54-60.
41 De Guzman at para. 75.
42 De Guzman at paras. 76-77 and 85.
43 De Guzman at paras. 88-89.
44 De Guzman at paras. 82-83 and 87.
45 UN Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, 1951 [1969] Can. T.S. no. 6 as amended by the Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees 1967 [1969] Can. T.S. no. 29.
46 Charter of the United Nations, [1945] Can. T.S. no. 7.
47 Hinzman at para. 44.
48 Hinzman at para. 113; and Hughey at para. 100.
49 Hinzman at paras. 119-21; and Hughey at paras. 106-108.
50 Hinzman at para. 130; and Hughey at para. 117.
51 Hinzman at paras. 141 -42; and Hughey at paras. 128-29.
52 Hinzman at paras. 152-59; and Hughey at paras. 139-46.
53 Hinzman at para. 168; and Hughey at para. 155.
54 Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, [1987] Can. T.S. no. 36.
55 Hinzman at para. 178; and Hughey at para. 165.
56 Adjei v. Canada (Minister of Employment and Immigration), [1989] 2 F.C. 680.
57 Hinzman at para. 184; and Hughey at para. 171.
58 Hinzman at paras. 206-12; and Hughey at paras. 192-98.
59 Hinzman at paras. 218-23; and Hughey at paras. 204-209.
60 IRPA, supra note 22.
61 Veffer at para. 5.
62 Veffer at para. 6.
63 Syndicat Northcrest v. Amselem, [2004] 2 S.C.R. 551 at para. 50.
64 Veffer at paras. 22-23, citing R v. Big M Drug Mart, [1985] 1 S.C.R. 295.
65 Law v. Canada (Minister of Employment and Immigration), [1999] 1 S.C.R. 497.
66 Veffer at para. 31 .
67 Veffer at para. 37.
68 Veffer at para. 39.
69 Veffer at paras. 48–49.