1 Introduction
1.1 Motivation and background
Since recently there has been a lot of interest in arithmetic properties of integers with various digit restrictions in a given integer base g. This includes the work of Bourgain [Reference BourgainBou13, Reference BourgainBou15] and Swaenepoel [Reference SwaenepoelSwa20] on primes with prescribed digits on a positive proportion of positions in their digital expansion, the resolution of the Gelfond conjecture by Mauduit and Rivat [Reference MaynardMR10], and the results of Maynard [Reference MaynardMay19, Reference MengMay22] on primes with missing digits (see also [Reference Bugeaud and KanekoBK18, Reference BugeaudBug18, Reference ColCol09, Reference Dietmann, Elsholtz and ShparlinskiDES17, Reference Drmota, Mauduit and RivatDMR20, Reference KarwatowskiKar22, Reference NaslundNas15, Reference PrattPratt20] and the references therein).
Prime divisors of integers with very few nonzero g-ary digits have been studied in [Reference BourgainBou05, Reference Chang, Kerr and ShparlinskiCKS18, Reference ShparlinskiShp08].
A variety of results on primitive roots and quadratic nonresidues modulo a prime p, which satisfy various digit restrictions can be found in the series of work [Reference Dietmann, Elsholtz and ShparlinskiDES13a, Reference Dietmann, Elsholtz and ShparlinskiDES13b, Reference Dietmann, Elsholtz and ShparlinskiDES17].
Furthermore, Mauduit and Rivat [Reference Mauduit and RivatMR09] and Maynard [Reference MengMay22] have also studied values of integral polynomials with various digital restrictions.
We also note that special integers with restricted digits appear in the context of cryptography [Reference GranvilleGS08, Reference MertensMeng13, Reference ShparlinskiShp06].
Here, we consider some digital problems for smooth integers. We recall that by a result of Bugeaud and Kaneko [Reference Bugeaud and KanekoBK18, Theorem 1.1] any integer N with at most
$k\geqslant 3$
nonzero digits in any fixed basis
$g\geqslant 2$
not dividing N has a prime divisor
$p\mid N$

$N \rightarrow \infty $
(see also [Reference BugeaudBug21]). The proof of (1.1) uses some classical methods of Diophantine analysis, such as the bounds of linear forms in logarithms. Our technique is different and shows that there are many both reasonably smooth and sparse binary integers.
1.2 Smooth sparse integers
We recall that an integer s is called y-smooth if it has no prime divisors
$p> y$
(see [Reference Graham and ShparlinskiGra08, Reference Hildebrand and TenenbaumHT86] for some background).
For a fixed absolute constant
$\zeta \geqslant 1$
, given a real number
$A>\zeta ^3$
we define

and define
$\vartheta _0(A)<1/2$
by the equation

$H(\rho )$
is the binary entropy function defined by

In particular, notice that
$\vartheta _0(A)\rightarrow 1/2$
$A\rightarrow \infty $
We are interested in the existence of smooth integers with only few nonzero binary digits. Clearly, this question makes sense only for odd integers as otherwise powers of
give a perfect solution.
Theorem 1.1 There is an absolute constant
$\zeta \geqslant 1$
such that for
$A>\zeta ^3$
the following holds: For any
$\vartheta < \vartheta _0(A)$
and sufficiently large n, there exists an odd
-smooth n-bit integer with at least

zeros in its binary expansion.
The proof of Theorem 1.1 is based on a refinement of the argument of [Reference ShparlinskiShp06, Theorem 6] combined with the approach of [Reference GranvilleGS08], which in turn relies on bounds for short multiplicative character sums from [Reference IwaniecIwa74] (see also [Reference BatemanBS19]). It also uses a combinatorial argument, which originates from [Reference ShparlinskiShp87] and has been used in [Reference Dietmann, Elsholtz and ShparlinskiDES13a, Reference Dietmann, Elsholtz and ShparlinskiDES13b, Reference NaslundNas15].
The constant
$\zeta $
in (1.2) is directly related to the constant in the bound on short character sums in [Reference BatemanBS19], see Section 3; it is effective and can be explicitly evaluated.
Using another approach based on the observation that
is quite smooth if we take k as the product of the first r odd primes, we obtain the following further result in the same direction.
Theorem 1.2 Let
$0<\alpha <1$
be fixed. Then there exist infinitely many n-bit integers
${N\geqslant 1}$
which are
-smooth, where

$\gamma $
denotes the Euler–Mascheroni constant, which have at most

nonzero digits in their binary expansion.
It is easy to see from the proof of Theorem 1.2 that one can obtain a more uniform version of this result when both
$\alpha $
and N vary in such a way that
$\alpha ^{-1} = o(\log N)$
. We now make this observation more concrete and use a similar argument to produce another construction in a different regime of smoothness and sparseness.
Theorem 1.3 Let
$0\leqslant \alpha \leqslant 1$
be fixed. Then there exist infinitely many n-bit integers
${N\geqslant 1}$
which are
-smooth, where

$\gamma $
denotes the Euler–Mascheroni constant, which have at most

nonzero digits in their binary expansion.
1.3 Notation
Throughout the paper, the notations
$U = O(V)$
$U \ll V$
, and
$ V\gg U$
are equivalent to
$|U|\leqslant c V$
for some positive constant c, which throughout the paper is absolute. If
$U\ll V$
$V\gg U$
, we write
$U\asymp V$
Moreover, for any quantity
$V> 1$
, we write
$U = V^{o(1)}$
$V \rightarrow \infty $
) to indicate a function of V which satisfies
$ V^{-\varepsilon } \leqslant |U| \leqslant V^\varepsilon $
for any
$\varepsilon> 0$
, provided V is large enough. One additional advantage of using
is that it absorbs
$\log V$
and other similar quantities without changing the whole expression.
We also write
$U \sim V$
as an equivalent of
$(1-\varepsilon ) V \leqslant U \leqslant (1+\varepsilon ) V$
for any
$\varepsilon> 0$
, provided V is large enough.
For a finite set
${\mathcal S}$
, we denote its cardinality by
$\#{\mathcal S}$
$n\in \mathbb {N}$
, we denote the nth cyclotomic polynomial by
$\Phi _n$
and the Euler function by
$\varphi $
. Furthermore, we write
for the largest absolute value of one of the coefficients of
$\Phi _n$
For a natural number n, we use
to denote the sum of the digits of n in its binary representation.
We write
$2=p_1<p_2<\dots $
for the prime numbers.
We denote by
$\gamma \approx 0.577 $
the Euler–Mascheroni constant.
Finally, the expressions
(which deviates from the canonical interpretation
2 Preparations
2.1 Arithmetic functions
We make use of the following well-known upper bound on the number
$\tau (w)$
of divisors of a natural number w (see, for example, in [Reference Iwaniec and KowalskiIK04, Equation (1.81)]).
Lemma 2.1 We have

$w \rightarrow \infty $
Bateman [Reference Banks and ShparlinskiBat49] gives the following upper bound on the coefficients of cyclotomic polynomials.
Lemma 2.2 We have

for all
$n\geq 1$
We also need to bound the Euler function of the product of the first odd primes.
Lemma 2.3 Let
$k = p_2\ldots p_r$
for some integer
$r\geq 2$
. Then

$r\rightarrow \infty $
Proof This is a direct application of Mertens’ so-called third theorem (see [Reference MacWilliams and SloaneMer74]):

Using that by the prime number theorem

we conclude the proof.
Finally, we need the following elementary result (see [Reference Hare, Laishram and StollHLS11, Proposition 2.2]), which asserts that
is subadditive.
Lemma 2.4 For any
$m, n\in \mathbb {N}$
, we have

2.2 Counting smooth numbers
$\Psi (x, y)$
denote the number of y-smooth numbers less than or equal to x. We have the following result obtained after simple manipulations, by combining [Reference Hildebrand and TenenbaumHT86, Theorem 3] and [Reference Hildebrand and TenenbaumHT86, Equation (2.4)].
Lemma 2.5 For
$x\geq y\geq 2$
$1\leqslant c\leqslant y$
, we have

uniformly, where
$u=\log x/\log y$
We note that, for completeness, we have presented Lemma 2.5 in full generality, while we only use it for a fixed
$c> 1$
and very small (compared to x) values of y. More precisely, we use Lemma 2.5 in the following form.
Lemma 2.6 Fix real numbers
$\alpha , \beta>0$
$c\geq 1$
. Then

$x\rightarrow \infty $
Proof Using Lemma 2.5 with
$\alpha x^\beta $
in place of x and
$y=\log ^A x$
, we obtain


$ \left ( \log ^{A-1}x\right )^{\log c/A\log \log x} = c^{1-1/A}$
, the result follows.
We also need an asymptotic formula for
$\Psi (x, \log ^A x)$
(see, for example, [Reference Graham and ShparlinskiGra08, Equation (1.14)]).
Lemma 2.7 For any fixed
, we have

$x\rightarrow \infty $
Finally, we need an upper bound of Harper [Reference HarperHar16] on the number of smooth numbers in an arithmetic progression. In fact, we present it in a very special case tailored to our applications. Namely, let
$\Psi (x, y; q,a)$
denote the number of y-smooth numbers less than or equal to x in the residue class a modulo q. By [Reference HarperHar16, Smooth Number Result 3, Section 2.1], we have the following estimate.
Lemma 2.8 For any fixed
, we have

for all a as
$q \leqslant x^{\beta -\varepsilon }$
$x\rightarrow \infty $
2.3 Sums involving binomial coefficients
We recall the definition (1.4). We frequently use the following result from [Reference Mauduit and RivatMS77, Chapter 10, Corollary 9].
Lemma 2.9 For any natural number n and
$0<\rho \leqslant 1/2$
, we have

Furthermore, we also need a bound on the product of binomial coefficient or, in other words, on the sum of their logarithms.
Lemma 2.10 For any integer
$n\geq 2$
, we have

Proof By the Stirling formula, we have
$\log n!=n\log n-n+O(\log n)$
$n\geq 2$
and, therefore,

$2\leqslant k\leqslant n-2$
$n\geq 2$
. Summing over all k, we see that

For the remaining sum, partial summation yields

and hence, we obtain

as claimed.
2.4 Character sums modulo powers of
From [Reference BatemanBS19, Theorem 2.1], we deduce the following estimate for character sums modulo powers of
Lemma 2.11 There exists an effective constant
such that for all integers
$k\geq 1$
and all non-principal characters
$\chi $
, we have

uniformly for all integers M and
$N=2^\ell $
, where
$\ell $
is an integer such that
$\ell \leqslant k$
, where implied constant is absolute.
Proof Assume
$\chi $
is induced by the primitive character
$\widetilde \chi $
$\widetilde q=2^{k_0}$
$k_0\geq 1$
and let
$1\leqslant \widetilde N\leqslant \widetilde q$
such that
$N\equiv \widetilde N\pmod {\widetilde q}$
, that is,
$\widetilde N=2^{\ell _0}$
$\ell _0=\ell $
$\ell \leqslant k_0$
$\ell _0=k_0$
otherwise. Then

since complete sums of characters (of length
$\widetilde q$
in this case) vanish. By [Reference BatemanBS19, Theorem 2.1], there is an effective constant
$\xi _0>0$
such that

and the implied constant is absolute. Put
$\xi =\min \{1/2, \xi _0\}$
Assuming first that
$\ell _0=\ell $
, then clearly
${\widetilde N}^{1-\xi {\ell _0}^2/{k_0^2}}\leqslant N^{1-\xi \ell ^2/k^2}$
, so we are done. Now assume that
$k_0<\ell $
$\ell _0=k_0$
. Then we have

and therefore once again
${\widetilde N}^{1-\xi {\ell _0}^2/{k_0^2}}\leqslant N^{1-\xi \ell ^2/k^2}$
2.5 Smooth numbers with some bits prescribed
Using techniques from [Reference GranvilleGS08] and modifying the proof of [Reference ShparlinskiShp06, Theorem 6], we prove the following lemma.
Lemma 2.12 Let
be fixed real numbers with
$2\varepsilon < 1-1/A$
. Then for sufficiently large n and any binary string
$\sigma $
of length

$n_0=\lfloor (1/2-1/2A-\varepsilon )n\rfloor $
$\xi $
is the constant from Lemma 2.11, there exist at least
odd n-bit integers which are
-smooth and have the bit pattern
$\sigma $
at the positions
$n_0-1, \dots , n_0-m$
Proof Let
$\mathcal {W}$
be the set of odd
-smooth numbers in the interval
$(2^{(n-1)/2}, 2^{n/2}]$
, and let s denote the number defined by the binary string
$\sigma $
. We count the number
of solutions
$w_1, w_2\in \mathcal {W}$
$w_1w_2\equiv 2^{n_0-m}s+k\pmod {2^{n_0}}$
$0\leqslant k<2^{n_0-m}$
. Then the product
-smooth and has n bits as well as the desired bit pattern.
$\mathcal {X}$
be the set of multiplicative characters modulo
. As in [Reference GranvilleGS08], recalling the orthogonality relation

(see, for example, [Reference Iwaniec and KowalskiIK04, Section 3.2]), we can express

where the inverses are taken modulo
(recall that
$w_1, w_2\in \mathcal {W}$
are odd). Also observe that
if k is even.
If k is odd, separating the contribution from the principal character
$\chi _0$
and changing the order of summation, we obtain

This yields

where, using
$ \chi \left (w^{-1}\right ) = \overline \chi (w)$
, the error term
$\Delta $
is given by

Now, we estimate
$\Delta $
, again following [Reference GranvilleGS08]. Namely, we have

by the triangle inequality. By Lemma 2.11, we have the estimate

for any non-principal character
$\chi \in \mathcal {X}$
sufficiently large. Moreover, by our choice of m and
, we may further estimate

and therefore the estimate above becomes

Thus, we can further estimate

To estimate the last sum, we change the order of summation and use the orthogonality relations (2.1). Namely, by Lemma 2.8, there are at most
elements of
${\mathcal W}$
in any given residue class modulo
, so we obtain

Therefore, we overall get

To compare the error term with the main term, we need to determine
$\#{\mathcal W}$
. To do this, observe that for any x, there is a bijection

and thus, the number of odd
-smooth numbers up to x is given by
$\Psi (x, n^A)-\Psi (x/2, n^A)$
. Therefore, Lemma 2.6 yields

and due to

this is a positive proportion of
$\Psi (2^{(n-1)/2-1}, n^A)$
. Moreover, according to Lemma 2.7,

Combining both results, we deduce that

Therefore, the ratio of the error term to the main term in (2.2) can be bounded by

Thus, putting this result back into (2.2), we obtain

Using (2.3) again, we see that this becomes

To conclude, it still remains to check how many pairs
$(w_1, w_2)$
yield the same product
. However, any such product w satisfies
$w\leqslant 2^n$
by construction and hence, by Lemma 2.1, it can occur at most
times. Therefore, the number of pairwise distinct products is at least

as claimed.
3 Proof of Theorem 1.1
. We set

It is also convenient to define

and note that there are some constants
$c_2> c_1>0$
depending only on A, but not on
$\varepsilon $
such that for a sufficiently small
$\varepsilon $

Note that the positivity of
is crucial for us and, in particular, this implies that for some constants
$C_2> C_1>0$
depending only on A, we have

$\mu _0(A)$
is given by (1.2) with
$\zeta = \xi ^{-1/3}$
Applying Lemma 2.12 with the above values of
and m, we see that the number T of odd n-bit
-smooth numbers with a string of m zeros at the positions
$n_0-1, \dots , n_0-m$
is at least

Now, consider the
bits that we have not prescribed yet. If at most a proportion
$\rho <\vartheta _0(A)$
of them are zeros, where
$\vartheta _0(A)$
is given by (1.3), then, by Lemma 2.9, we can have at most

different integers. However, since
$\rho <\vartheta _0(A)$
, we know that

Recalling (3.2), we conclude that

if n is sufficiently large.
Thus, at least one of the T odd n-bit
-smooth numbers not only has a string of m consecutive zeros, which is by construction, but also has at least a proportion of
$\rho $
zeros among the remaining
digits. That is, we see from (3.1) that its binary expansion contains at least

zeros. Choosing
$\rho>\vartheta $
concludes the proof since
$\varepsilon $
is arbitrarily small.
4 Proof of Theorem 1.2
$k=p_2\ldots p_r$
for some
and consider
. We assume that
$r \rightarrow \infty $
, so we also have
$k \rightarrow \infty $
We have the following factorization into cyclotomic polynomials:

and we can bound the factors using Lemmas 2.2 and 2.1 as

Moreover, due to our choice of k, Lemma 2.3 implies

In particular, m is
$m^{(2e^{-\gamma }+o(1))/\log \log \log m}$
Now, we consider the number

$\ell =\lfloor \beta k\rfloor $
$\beta =2\alpha \log 2$
. Without loss of generality, we assume that k is large enough so
$\ell \geqslant 2$
. Thus N has

bits, provided that
$k \rightarrow \infty $
. Due to

we also have
$\ell \sim (2\alpha \log N)^{1/2}$
. In particular,

Therefore, we see that

that is, N is
We now estimate the sparsity of N. By the binomial theorem, we know that

Noting that
$\binom {\ell }{j}$
can have at most
$\log \binom {\ell }{j}/\log 2+1$
binary digits and using the subadditivity of the sum of binary digits guaranteed by Lemma 2.4, we see that Lemma 2.10 shows that the total number of nonzero digits of N is at most

where we have used that
$\ell ^2=\beta n+O\left (n^{1/2}\right )$
due to (4.2) in the last step. This proves the claim.
5 Proof of Theorem 1.3
We proceed exactly as in the proof of Theorem 1.2 up to the point where we defined N in (4.1). If
$\alpha =0$
, we choose
$\ell =1$
and are done; otherwise, let
$\ell =\lfloor k^\beta \rfloor $

Without loss of generality, we assume that k is large enough so
$\ell \geqslant 2$
. Thus N has

bits, provided that
$k \rightarrow \infty $
. Due to

we also have
$\ell \sim (\log N/\log 2)^{\beta /(1+\beta )}$
. In particular,

Therefore, we see that

that is, N is
As before, we see that the number of nonzero digits of N is at most

due to
$\ell =n^{\beta /(1+\beta )}+O(1)$
by (5.1) and this concludes the proof.
It is also interesting to study smooth values amongst balanced integers, that is, positive integers with equally many ones and zeros in their binary expansion.
Using simple counting arguments, one can show that, for any integer n, there exist
-bit balanced integers which are Y-smooth, where

Indeed, first, we observe that by the Stirling formula, the number of
-bit balanced integers is given by

However, for any
$u\in [1,2]$

(see [Reference Graham and ShparlinskiGra08, Equations (1.3) and (1.8)]). Thus, if
$u =1 +\eta $
$\eta \asymp (\log x)^{-1/2}$
, then the number of non-
-smooth numbers
$N \leqslant x$
can be estimated as

Hence, for a sufficiently small
$\varepsilon> 0$
$\eta = \left (1/2\sqrt {\pi }-\varepsilon \right )n^{-1/2}$
and sufficiently large n, we obtain from (6.2) and (6.3) that

and since
$\varepsilon> 0$
is arbitrary, we see that we can take Y as in (6.1).
Furthermore, with a similar technique as in the proofs of Theorems 1.2 and 1.3, one can give an explicit construction of infinitely many rather smooth balanced numbers. Namely, taking

the same argument as above shows that
$2^{(2e^{-\gamma }+o(1))k_1/\log \log k_1}$
-smooth and
$2^{(2e^{-\gamma }+o(1))k_2/\log \log k_2}$
-smooth. Thus, the number
$2^{(2e^{-\gamma }+o(1))k_1/\log \log k_1}=N^{(3e^{-\gamma }/2+o(1))/\log \log \log N}$
-smooth and it has
$n = k_1+k_2=4k_2$
total digits, exactly
of which are ones.
The authors are very grateful to Regis de la Bretèche for suggesting to use results from [Reference HarperHar16] and to the referee for the very careful reading of the manuscript.