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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 01 January 2020

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- Introduction
- Information
- Canadian Journal of Philosophy Supplementary Volume , Volume 7: Marx and Morality , 1981 , pp. 1 - 17
- Copyright
- Copyright © The Authors 1981
1 Karl Vorlander Kant und Marx, (Tübingen: 1926)
2 Karl Kautsky, Ethik und materialistische Geschichtsauffassung (Stuttgart: 1926) and George Plekhanov Selected Philosophical Works (Moscow: 1961)
3 Max Adler, Der soziologische Sinn der Lehre von Karl Marx (Leipzig: 1914) and his Kant und der Marxismus (Berlin: 1925), and Otto Bauer, “Marxismus und Ethik,” Die Neue Zeit 24 (1905-6) 485-99
4 Adler, Kant und der Marxismus, 141
5 Ibid.
6 Georg Lukacs, History und Class-Consciousness, trans. Rodney Livingstone (London: Merlin Press 1968). It is worth noting that the original German publication date was 1923.
7 Lucien Goldmann, “Y a-t-il une sociologie marxiste?”, Les Temps Modernes, 13 (1957) 729-751. See also his The Hidden Cod, trans. Philip Thody (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul 1964), particulary Chapter 5, and his The Human Sciences and Philosophy, trans. Hayden V. White (London: Jonathan Cape 1969).
8 Robert Tucker, The Marxian Revolutionary Idea (New York: Norton 1969), Chapter 2, and his Philosophy and Myth of Karl Marx (Cambridge, England: Cambridge U. P. 1961) 11-27. Allen W. Wood, The Marxian Critique of Justice,' Philosophy and Public Affairs, 1 (1972-3), and his “Marx on Right and Justice,' Philosophy and Public Affairs, 8 (1978-9). These essays are reprinted in Marshall Cohen et. al, (eds.), Marx, justice and History (Princeton: U.P. 1980). See also Wood's Karl Marx (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul 1981) 125-156.
9 Nancy Holmstrom, “Exploitation”, Canadian journal of Philosophy, 7 (1977); Gary Young, “Justice and Capitalist Production: Marx and Bourgeois Ideology”, Canadian journal of Philosophy, 8 (1978), and Allen Buchanan, “Exploitation, Alienation and Injustice”, Canadian journal of Philosophy, 9 (1979)
10 Young, op. cit., and Ziyad I. Husami, “Marx on Distributive Justice”, Philosophy and Public Affairs, 8 (1978-9). Reprinted in Marx, justice and History
11 C.A. Cohen, “Capitalism, Freedom and the Proletariat”, in Alan Ryan (ed.) The Idea of Freedom: Essays in Honour of Isaiah Berlin, (Oxford: Oxford U.P. 1979).
12 For a detailed and accurate picture of Marx's vision of the future communist society see Bertell Oilman's authoritative picture composed from a careful drawing together of a mass of textual references: Bertell Oilman Social and Sexual Revolution: Essays on Marx and Reich (Boston: South End Press 1979) Chapter 3.
13 Derek Allen, “The Utilitarianism of Marx and Engels”, American Philosophical Quarterly, 10 (1973). And see his exchange with Brenkert: George Brenkert, 'Marx and Utilitarianism”, Canadian journal of Philosophy, 5 (1975) and Derek Allen, “Reply to Brenkert's “Marx and Utilitarianism” Canadian lournal of Philosophy, 6 (1976).
14 A careful case for such a Marxian morality is made by Hilliard Aronovitch, 'Marxian Morality”, Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 10 (1980). It is followed by an exchange between Aronovitch and Allen in the same issue.
15 Allen so questions the foundational status of self-realizationist claims in a Marxian morality. See Derek Allen, “Does Marx Have an Ethic of Self-Realization? Reply to Aronovitch”, Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 10 (1980), 378.
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