Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 June 2018
Background: A will, power of attorney and advanced healthcare directive are critical to guide decision-making in people with cognitive decline. We identified characteristics that are associated with the existence of these documents in patients who presented to a rural and remote memory clinic (RRMC). Methods: 95 consecutive patients were included in this study. Patients and caregivers completed questionnaires on initial presentation to the RRMC and patients were asked if they have legal documents. Patients also completed neuropsychological testing. Statistical analysis (t-test and χ2 test) was performed to identify significant variables. Results: 70 patients had a will, 62 had a power of attorney and 21 had an advanced healthcare directive. Having a will was associated with good quality of life (p=0.001), living alone (p=0.034), poor verbal fluency (p=0.055) and European ethnicity (p=0.028). Factors associated with having a power of attorney included good quality of life (p=0.031), living alone (p=0.053) and poor verbal fluency (p=0.015). Old age (p=0.015), poor verbal fluency (p=0.023) and severity of cognitive and functional impairment (p=0.023) were associated with having an advanced healthcare directive. Conclusions: Our results indicate that poor quality of life, good verbal fluency, non-European ethnicity and living with others are associated with a lower likelihood of creating legal documents in patients with cognitive decline