Published online by Cambridge University Press: 20 November 2018
Let R be an associative ring with 1 ≠ 0. Throughout we will be considering unitary left R-modules. Given a chain complex C over R, a free approximation of C is defined to be a free chain complex F over R together with an epimorphism τ:F → C of chain complexes with the property that H(τ):H(F) ≃ H(C). In Chapter 5, Section 2 of [3] it is proved that any chain complex C over Z has a free approximation τ:F → C. Moreover given a free approximation τ:F → C of C and any chain map f:F’ → C with F’ a free chain complex over Z, there exists a chain map φ:F’→ F with T O φ = f . Any two chain maps φ, ψ of F’ in F with T O φ = T O ψ are chain homotopic.