Natural and artificial reforestation, which basically depend on an abundance of sound seed, are adversely affected when insects destroy large numbers of cones, seeds, and cone-bearing shoots. Other factors, such as unfavourable weather, incomplete seed development, and damage by birds and mammals also reduce seed production, but they are rarely of such widespread importance as insects, whose damage often results in the failure of seed crops over large areas. Cone and seed insects sometimes restrict the natural regeneration of trees for a few years at a time, as, for example, in conifers on the Pacific coast (16), loblolly pines in Virginia (13), and oak in Michigan (5), but they become particularly important when the seeds they destroy are required for use in artificial reforestation. The future success of much reforestation, which is inclining more and more toward the use of seed obtained from trees cultivated especially for that purpose, may largely depend on a thorough understanding of cone and seed insects and their effect on seed production.