Published online by Cambridge University Press: 31 May 2012
1. Palpares inclemens Walk., p. 303, No. 4.
This is one of the largest species. Length of body, male 75 mm.; fem., 60; exp. al., 145–160 mm. I have before me a couple collected by Dr. Krauss, Stuttgart, on Cap. b. sp., from the collection of the late Dr. Schneider, Breslau; and two females from Zanzibar, collected by Mr. C. Cooke, Salem, and a female from Zanzibar Island, from Mr. Thorey, Hamburg. It belongs to this species, P. latipennis, Gerstaecker, Insects from Zanzibar, 1873, p. 55; a female from the Galla land, 2° latit., which is compared with the male described by myself in Peters' Voyage, P.99.