This species I have mistaken, according to Mr. J. B. Smith, for Polenta Tepperi in several of my papers. The moth is easily recognized, being of a delicate green color and having the transverse lines similar to Plagiomimicus Pityochromus, which is a blackish fuscous and stouter species. P. Richii has the anterior tibiæ armed with a claw and the clypeus provided with a cup-like expansion, less prominent than in Pityochromus. P. Richii occurs in Texas, FloriCa, and I have seen it also from the Southwest. The genus may be further known by the tips of the patagia being somewhat relieved, and belongs to the Stiriinœ, a group of Noctuidœ which I have fully discussed in the pages of the Canadian Entomologist. I regret that I have been mistaken in my identification of Polenta, thus needlessly criticizing Mr. Morrison and afterwards Mr. J. B. Smith.