Published online by Cambridge University Press: 31 May 2012
Hyloicus luscitiosa race bombax nov.
Similar to eastern luscitiosa, both fore and hind wings considerably paler, the usual sagittate black dashes on the fore wing only about half normal size.
The present form is almost undoubtedly a western race of luscitiosa, a parallel to H. gordius oslari R. & J.
Holotype.—♀, Provo, Utah (Tom Spalding) and pupal skin from which it emerged, V-14-19, unique.
1 Named in honor of Dr. Davies, Director of the Field Museum.
2 —“Hadena” or “Eremobia” tenera Sm. is probably closely allied to Eumichtis ducta Grt. and possibly a synonym therefore. We are indebted to Mr. Jeane Gunder for a photograph of the National Museum typean dto Dr. H. G. Dyar for permission given to Mr. Gunder to photograph the type. We pleasure in naming the new Eremobia in honor of Mr. Gunder.
3 We take great pleasure in naming this beautiful species in honor of our good friend Mr. William J. Gerhard, Curator, Field Museum, who most materially assisted us in our comparisons of types in the Strecker Collection.