Published online by Cambridge University Press: 31 May 2012
Editor Can. Ent.:
Dear Sir,—I send you herewith certain notes of observations made 50 years ago, by the eminent naturalist, Philip H, Gosse, F. R. S., &c., on Butterflies of Newfoundland.
I received a letter from Mr. Gosse, in the spring of 1882, from which I extract as follows:
“I began the study of Insects in 1832, when I was a clerk in a mercantile house at Carbonear, Newfoundland. For more than three years I pursued the study with great ardor and industry, making careful drawings of nearly every species I found, of all orders, often magnified. These drawings, in a small 4to book, I still possess, and for minute care I think they are in nowise inferior to any that I have executed in later years.