Published online by Cambridge University Press: 31 May 2012
Allied to simplex Uhler, but distinguished by the fine, uniformly pale pubescence, shorter rostrum and more tumid frons.
♂ .Length 5 mm., width 1.8 mm. Head: width 1.09 mm., vertex 666 mm.; frons more tumid than in simplex, pale greenish, becoming fuscous each side of frons and a spot each side of vertex. Rostrum, length 1.09 mm., just attaining hind margin of sternum, pale greenish, last two segments blackish. Antennae: segment I, length .42mm.; II, 1.6 mm.; III, 1.18 mm.; IV, broken; black. Pronotum: length .72 mm., width at base 1.54 mm.; calli becoming blackish on hind margins.