Published online by Cambridge University Press: 31 May 2012
Chionobas Varuna.
Male.—Expands 1.6 to 1.75 inch.
Upper side brown, individuals varying from yellow to red and blackbrown, but in the examples under view red predominates; costal edge of primaries dark brown, next base dusted with white; apex and hind margin edged with dark brown, which fades insensibly into the ground color; beyond the disk, one to four small black ocelli; where one only is present, it is on the upper discoidal interspace; where two, the second is on lower median interspace; where all are present, the two extreme are large and about equal in size, the interior pair minute.
Secondaries have a narrow brown border, clearly defined on inner side; all the nervures and branches edged with dark scales; the ocelli are from nil to five, small, black; when all are present they stand one on each interspace from subcostal to lower median; fringes of primaries mixed light and dark brown, of secondaries mostly light.