Published online by Cambridge University Press: 31 May 2012
The clover cutworm, Scotogramma trifolii (Rott.), has been recorded from a wide variety of host plants, but there are few records in the literature associating it with cole crops. Riley (1893) recorded it from cabbage in Maryland. Gibson (1915) recorded it from turnip and cabbage in Canada. Forbes (1951) and Frost (1955) listed cabbage as a host plant in New York and Pennsylvania, respectively. In 10 years' studies on caterpillars on cabbage in the Ottawa VaIley, 1949 to 1958, numbers of the clover cultworm on cabbage were almost always negligible. However, in the early summer of 1956 it occurred throughout the area in significant numbers, and in a study field of early cabbage at Merivale, Ontario, caused sufficient damage to affect the market value of the crop.