Published online by Cambridge University Press: 31 May 2012
By most systematists this family is still classifed with the Scoliidæ, although separated as a distinct family by the Swedish entomologist, C.G. Thomson, as early as 1874. I agree with Thomson, and belive these wasps form a distinct family, easily recognized by the characters made use of in my table of families.
The genus Engycistus, Fox based upon Myzine rufiventris, Cresson, was classifed by Cresson, Cameron and Fox with the Scoliidæ. Mr. Fox has kindly sent me specimens for examination, male and female, and I find them true Tiphiids; they have nothing to do with the Myzinidæ or Scoliiæ as now restricted.
The genus Pterombus, Smith, still unknown to me in nature, also evidently belongs here.