Published online by Cambridge University Press: 31 May 2012
This group, as here defined, includes those species having the prosternal sutures excavated in which the basal margins of the propleura are truncate rather than emarginate near the posterior prothoracic angles. They are closely allied to tessellatus L. (holosericeus Oliv.) of Europe. In all of the species, and in these species only, the hairs of the elytra are variously directed in whorls or partial whorls to produce a variegated appearance. The whorling tendency is well developed and very distinct on the elytra of all species except medianus in which only feeble traces of it are evident. The whorling seems equally developed in all examples of each species, but the spots resulting show some variation in their distribution and size. The hairs of the pronotum are strongly whorled in mirabilis only; in the other species, one sees a bright spot at each angle, one at the center, and one at the middle of the pronotal base which are due to directed hairs.
* Contribution from the Division of Systematic Entomology, Entomological Branch, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa.