In my Check List (1876) I proposed three new generic names, Conservula, Oxylos and Leucobrephos. I have since discarded Oxylos and given the character which separates Conservula from Trigonophora Led. There remains Leucobrephos, which, owing to the kindness of Mr. Butler, who has examined Walker's types for me, I now describe as follows:
Leucobrephos Grote; Type: Anarta Brephoides Walk.
Male antennæ with longer pectinations than Brephos, and broader. Palpi concealed by the beard-like hair, more thickly hirsute than in Brephos. Eyes narrower, smooth, naked. The neuration differs by veins 3 and 4 of primaries arising from a common foot-stalk. On secondaries veins 3 and 4 arise from a long stem, diverging near the margin.