A Bock [for my] Remembrance; what seed wheat and barly I f. 1r. yearly sowe and [how mu]ch I wenow and sell in the same yeare. Item what h[ay] I ha[v]e yearely growing; Item what I make per annum of the Leases which I let in the Hame; And what of those in the South March; Item how my quite rentes are yearely pay'd me; Item of the valew in some yeares of my aples and cherries. Item of the quantitie of wolle which I have yearly growing; and how many shep I sheare for it; Item of money owing me; Item what paymentes I pay vnto the Kinge; Item how I pay my servauntes theyr wages; Item what my charges in the harvesting and making hay hath bine in some yeares; Item what my horses hath spent me; and what I have payd the smith in some yeares; Item how and what I pay for tieth of my orchardes; Item how much wood I buy; Item what I bestow yearely in building; Item how many loades of straw my shep may spend me in some yeares; Item how many shep I buy and how they are abled sounde; Item how many landes I yearely dounge with the potte, and which are not dounged at alle; and o[f] such other remembrances, as followeth., beginning all my yeares at our Lady day. this Bocke was made in Anno 1612.