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(iv) The Chronology of the Sermons
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 24 December 2009

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- Copyright © Royal Historical Society 1954
page xxxi note 4 Cf. Kellogg, Eleanor H., ‘Bishop Brinton and the Fable of the Rats’, Proc. Mod. Lang. Assoc., 1 (1935), 58–63Google Scholar. Miss Kellogg in her interesting and valuable article has made some errors in the chronological arrangment of Bishop Brinton's sermons, but her grouping of Sermons 18–71 inclusive is, with three or four exceptions, probably correct.
page xxxii note 1 Dugdale, W., Monasticon Anglicanum, i (1655), 158Google Scholar.
page xxxii note 2 Sir Richard Abberbury was the king's first Magister. His successor was Sir Simon Burley.
page xxxii note 3 Kellogg, op. cit., p. 60.
page xxxiii note 1 P. 77.
page xxxiii note 2 Wharton, , Anglia Sacra, i. 378–9Google Scholar.
page xxxiii note 3 Kellogg, op. cit., p. 62
page xxxiii note 4 See Introduction, pp. xxvii ff.
page xxxiii note 5 Kellogg, op. cit., pp. 62–3.
page xxxiii note 6 Kellogg, op. cit., pp. 63–7.
page xxxiii note 7 See Introduction, pp. xv–xvi.
page xxxiv note 1 Sermon 99 (p. 457): ‘ Et hoc est contra eos qui licet Deo ecclesie et proximis intulerunt … precipue patrem suum archiepiscopum crudeliter occidendo.’ Sermon 100 (p. 460): ‘ Nam omnes qui iniuriose vel temere archiepiscopum crudiliter occisum ceperunt, percusserunt vel occiderunt … mucrone tante excommunicacionis sunt percussi.’
page xxxiv note 2 In Sermon 101 (p. 466) and Sermon 107 (p. 497) he discusses several of Wyclif's heresies, which by order of the Bishop of London he refutes. He announces in Sermon 107, preached on Easter Sunday 1383, that the heresies have been condemned: ‘ Verum de istis pseudoprophetis … potest concludere cum psalmo Insurrexerunt in me testes iniqui et mentita est, et cetera. Quia eorum dicta publice sunt dampnati ’ (p. 496).
page xxxiv note 3 ‘ Ex quo de presenti sencio me solito debiliorem et infirmiorem senioque confectum, antequam in toto dissoluar statui penesmetipsum vulgare meum predicando publice declarare clerum et populum ad edificandum ’ (p. 497).